Publication: Module on Understanding Revenue Streams for Oil and Gas Transparency


Article: 105 Extractive Companies Have Not Reported 2010-2011 Fiscal Data

Media Coverage: Hunting Mice In Oil And Gas Field

Media Coverage: State Revenue does not Accord to The Mining Company Reports

Media Coverage: Recognition of Income of Oil and Gas Operators is Different from Country Reports

Press Release: Citizens’ Groups Call for Oil Companies to Drop Anti-Transparency Lawsuit Ahead of Transparency


Article: EITI Socialization at Regional Level Must Be Strengthened

Press Releases: Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Suspected, A Bad Portrait of Governance in the Oil & Gas and Coal & Mineral Sector!

Opinion: Transparency on Mining Governance

Article: Open Data Extractive Industry

Article: Digging Up the History of Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative

Article: Advancing Transparency and Anti-Corruption Movement in the Natural Resource Governance in Asia Pacific

Media Coverage: Global Conference, a Number of Institutions Affirming Beneficial Ownership Transparency is a Very Strategic Issue’

Press Release: Momentum for EITI Validation to Improve Extractive Sector Governance

Media Coverage: Government Affirms Commitment to Combat Misuse of Beneficial Ownership

Media Coverage: Government to root out beneficial ownership's violation

Publication: Extractive Industry Policy Innovations and Civil Society Movement in Southeast Asia:An Introduction

Press Release: Global Conference on Beneficial Ownership Transparency

Article: Momentum for EITI Validation to Improve Extractive Sector Governance

Article: EITI Implementation Team Meeting January, March, September

Article: EITI Implementation Team Discuss the EITI Validation and the Progress of EITI Report Year 2016

Article: EITI Implementation Team Meeting June, October, November, December

In Media: EITI Implementation Team Ready to Escort Indonesia's EITI Transition

Policy Brief: Opportunities and Challenges of Contract Transparancy in the Implementation of EITI Standards

Article: Where are the Women in Indonesian Extractive Sector?

Discussion: EITI Mainstreaming Improves Natural Resources Sector Governance

Press Release: The Transition of Rokan Block Operation Not Just Only Euphoria

Discussion: "Mainstreaming EITI towards Governance in Natural Resources Sector"

Article: Socialization of EITI Indonesia Report: Collaborative Social Accountability for Improving Mining Sector Governance in East Kalimantan Province

Webinar: Beneficial Ownership Transparency: Why it Matters for Extractive Companies

Article: The Role of Extractive Industry Data and Information Transparency for Low Carbon Sustainable Development