Advisory Board is representative from member organization in odd number (with 7 as the maximum number of members), chosen and decided in General Assembly Meeting of National Coalition PWYP Indonesia. Advisory Board is led by one chair that’s also served as a member, one secretary that’s also served as a member, and five members which is characterized as collegial collective and also can be changed if considered to be important and urgent.

The decision making process of Advisory Board is conducted through consensus mechanism. If agreement can’t be pursued, voting will be the solution. If dissenting opinion or different argument found on the decision making process, announcement to the member can be done.

Function, duties, and authority of Advisory Board as mentioned in Article 23 of Statute of PWYP Indonesia are as follows:


The Advisory Board is served as the bridging of member and coordinator.


  1. Conduct General Assembly Meeting along with Coordinator,
  2. Monitor the implementation of General Assembly Meeting’s output,
  3. Monitor the implementation of Statute and its implementing regulation,
  4. Verify the candidate of member as well as member,
  5. Monitor the routine activity of Coordinator, including (i) advocacy, (ii) campaign, (iii) research, (iv) education and (v) fund raising conducted by Coordinator,
  6. Report its working result in the written format to General Assembly Meeting,
  7. Deliver its monitoring result to members periodically by using formal and non-formal communication media,
  8. Approve/ decide partner and observer.


  1. Discuss and decide or disapprove working program and annual budget arranged and proposed by National Coordinator,
  2. Request clarification related to information and knowledge distribution from coordinator to member,
  3. Establish protocol of coalition along with National Coordinator,
  4. Establish Standard Operational and Procedures for secretariat’s operational,
  5. Receive resignation of coordinator if coordinator resign before General Assembly Meeting and appoint its successor,
  6. Appoint temporary official of National Coordinator if coordinator violates Statute and other organizational regulation.