TAMBANG, 15 November 2013 | 10.28

US Subkhan

Jakarta-TAMBANG. Publish What You Pay Indonesia Advocacy Coordinator, Aryanto Nugroho, regrets the delay of the second report for the 2010 and 2011 Fiscal Year, concerning information on the amount of state revenue paid to the government, both in the form of tax and non-tax.

Of the total 264 corporate entities that are required to submit reports, only 159 companies have submitted reports, while the rest have not submitted their reports.

According to him, Indonesia as one of the candidates for implementing the EITI (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative); a global standard for transmitting payments and revenues from the extractive industries sector, should receive support from the extractive industries in Indonesia.

Moreover, Indonesia has committed to issuing Perpres (Presidential Regulation) No. 26 of 2010 concerning transparency of state and regional revenues received from the oil and gas extractive and mining sectors.

Where in this Presidential Regulation requires companies operating in Indonesia, both those engaged in the oil and gas sector, general mining, and coal to submit a report to EITI Indonesia, at the Indonesian Ministry of Economy.

As for further, Aryanto Nugroho, the type of report that must be submitted by the company is information on the amount of state revenue paid to the government, both in the form of tax and non-tax.

“As per the provisions of the EITI Standard, these reports will then be reconciled with reports submitted by relevant Government agencies. Reconciliation will be carried out by independent reconciler, “said Aryanto Nugroho in his press statement in Jakarta.

Aryanto Nugroho noted that there were around 105 companies that had not submitted their reports. Aryanto Nugroho rate, this delay is a serious problem. This is one of the reasons why Indonesia has not met the highest standards or included in the compliant category of implementing the EITI global standard, especially in publishing periodic and timely EITI reports in a sequential time series.

With such conditions, Indonesia should move quickly to improve it through the momentum of the preparation of the EITI report for the period 2010-2011 which is currently being worked on by the Indonesian EITI Secretariat.

“Timeliness in submitting reports is a form of the company’s seriousness to be transparent and commitment to carry it out,” he said.

This delay continued the member of the PWYP coalition steering agency, Miftahul Huda, should also be a concern of the government. Therefore, he requested that the government be firm because the seriousness in running the EITI will be an evaluation tool for the existence of these companies.

“The information in the EITI report is important for information transparency for the communities around the mine if the company does not want to report it means it has covered up information which also means harming the community in the area,” said Miftahul Huda.

There are at least 264 companies that are required to submit a report to EITI in the second phase this time for the Fiscal Year 2010 and 2011.

Meanwhile, the composition of the company consists of 7 mineral Contract of Work (KK) companies, 46 companies of Mineral Mining Business License (IUP), 35 companies of Coal Mining Work Agreement (PKP2B), 105 companies of Mining Business License (IUP) and 71 companies of Contractors Cooperation Contract (KKKS).

As is well known, Indonesia, through the Coordinating Minister for the Economy, Hatta Rajasa, in early October 2010, put forward itself as an EITI implementing country. Through a session conducted by the Governing Board of the EITI on October 19, 2010, in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, finally granted Indonesia, to enter as a candidate country for implementing EITI.

EITI is a global standard for increasing transparency and accountability in the oil and gas and mining sectors. To participate in this EITI standard, the first thing to do is submit a desire for participation to the EITI Regulatory Body to be designated as a Candidate State.

The next round of reporting can be done from the preparation of the report template by the Multistakeholder Team (Transparency implementing team). After that, it will be filled by all companies engaged in the oil and gas sector (upstream) and mining, as well as all government offices that receive each type of payment.

The completed report is reconciled by an independent reconciler and the results are reported to the President and the public.

Source: majalahtambang.com
