Reporter: Achmad/Monday, May 13, 2013

Based on the standardized financial statements of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) Coalition of civil society for transparency and accountability Publish What You Pay (PWYP) assesses reports on payment of state revenues in the oil and gas sector and ambigous mining.

In fact, the completeness of the information and the accuracy of report data is a crucial point of transparency in state revenue. In addition, the seriousness of the parties in submitting financial statements indicates the level of willingness of the parties to be transparent to the public. National Coordinator of PWYP Indonesia, Maryati Abdullah, gave an example, the income tax report of the oil and gas agency, for example, amounted to USD 4.579 billion, while the Joint Operating Body (JOB/KKKS) only reported USD 4.482 billion. There is a significant difference in figures reaching USD 96,442 million. Then regarding the payment of over lifting oil and gas, the government recorded revenues of USD 796.8 million, while JOB/KKKS had submitted USD 766.8 million. The difference in the report reached USD 29.997 million.

“The difference in this report is because the government and companies present different databases. KKKS uses a volume basis while ESDM uses a cash basis, “Maryati said at Warung Tjikini, Jakarta Monday (5/13).

Another example in the mining sector, for example, Maryati revealed the tax income of coal mining companies reported by the government amounting to USD 1.294 billion, while business actors delivered it at USD 1,110 billion. This means that there is still a difference of USD 273 billion. For the Land and Building Tax, the government only reports USD 3.358 million, while business operators report USD 20.123 million, so there is a difference of USD 16.234 million.

Sarmin Ginca as a member of the PWYP Indonesia steering board added, the difference in the recording of revenue resulted in oil and gas producing regions and mining being disadvantaged due to the reduced revenue sharing funds received. He also highlighted the CSR report which was allegedly exaggerated so that it did not have a significant impact on the area around the company.

“We ask to expand the revenue flow component. Security funds also need to be included, for example, Freeport which provides security funds to the police”. He said.

The transparency of the oil and gas industry revenue and mining has been regulated in Presidential Regulation Number 26 Year 2010

Based on these rules, Maryati explained the government and business actors agreed to first disclose the state revenue report in 2009. For 2010 and 2011 planned at the end of this year (2013) it will be published.

There were recorded a total of 128 companies that experienced cases of difference in reports on state revenue. With details of 57 oil and gas companies, 54 coal companies, 6 copper and gold companies, 7 tin companies, 2 bauxite companies, and 2 nickel companies.

