Jakarta, EnergiToday – An audit conducted by the Gideon Ikhwan Sofwan Public Accountant Office shows the difference between state revenues from the mineral and coal sector and mining companies’ reports on obligations that should be paid.
The differences include receipts on Corporate Income Tax, Land and Building Tax, royalty, and fixed fee.
“There is a significant difference between mineral and coal companies’ reports with government reports. The biggest difference is coal royalty,” said National Coordinator of Publish What You Pay Indonesia, Maryati Abdullah, in Jakarta, quoted Tuesday (5/14/2013).
The biggest difference, he said, was coal royalty which reached US$ 54 million. The government version is US$ 1.207 billion, according to mining companies US$ 1.153 billion.
For the coal commodity income tax, there is a difference of US$ 0.273 billion. The government claims to have received US$ 1.294 billion. Even though the company claimed to pay US$ 1.110 billion.
For land and building tax of mineral commodities, the difference is US$ 16.234 million. The government claims to have received US$ 3.358 million while the mineral company claims to have paid US$ 21.123 million.
The audit was conducted on 6 mineral companies, 7 tin companies, 2 bauxite companies, 2 nickel companies, and 54 coal companies.
The audit was carried out as an implementation of the mandate of Presidential Regulation Number 26 Year 2010 on Transparency of State Revenues and Regional Revenues Obtained from Extractive Industries. The audit was carried out on all explorations that occurred in 2009. Audits in 2010 and 2011 are still ongoing.
The audit was carried out because Indonesia is incorporated in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) where the government is obliged to report revenues from the oil and gas sector while oil and gas companies are required to report payments on their obligations to the state (IE).
Source: Energitoday.com
