The determination of Clear and Clean (CnC) for mining permits after Coordination and Supervision (Korsup) of KPK in mineral and coal sector needs further review. Eyes on The Forest West Kalimantan found 201 CnC permits are overlapping with forest area.

EoF West Kalimantan which consists of Swandiri Institute, Titian, Kontak Rakyat Borneo, POINT, Environmental Law Clinic, Gemawan, JARI West Borneo, WWF-Indonesia, conducted research in three areas in West Kalimantan, covering Ketapang, Landak, and Sanggau.

The methodology utilized in the research is development of spatial data baseline taken by drone, data digitation, and overlay with the map (newest Forest Area Determination map). Then EoF conducted field-crosschecking in those three areas.

Researcher of Swandiri Institute Arif Munandar said that during 2010-2015, there are only 11 companies that possessed Forest-Use Permits (IPPKH) from 387 mining permits that overlapped with forest. “After Korsup in Mineral and Coal sector, the number of mining permits is decreased but the total area of concession is increased from 5,074,338 hectare in 2012 became 5,462,289 hectare in 2015,” said Arif in the sharing agenda at PWYP Indonesia office last (31/5).

According to him, mining permits that shall be revoked, is not revoked at all. The reality is the revoked-exploration permits is changed into production permits, or merged with other companies.
There are 4 concession that reviewed, including PT. Kendawangan Putra Lestari, PT. Harita Prima Abadi Mineral, PT. Mekko Metal Mining and PT. Mahkota Karya Utama. The result shows overlapping between mining permits and protection forest, cultivation right (HGU) of palm plantation, industrial forest plantation (HTI), and also how mining companies operates outside of given concession.

Given the findings, EoF West Kalimantan network urged the local government to disclose the data of permits. “Local government never mention total area of mining permit that has been revoked, but only mention its number,” said Arif.
