PWYP Indonesia Suggests Input to the Regional Representatives Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD RI) Regarding Mineral and Coal Mining Governance in Indonesia

Jakarta - The Regional Legislation Affairs Agency (BULD) of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with its authority and duties…

PWYP Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting Discusses the Sharpening of PWYP’s Work Related to Energy Transitions and Contract Transparency

Jakarta, PWYP Indonesia - The Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Secretariat in London, England, together with the PWYP coalition in the Asia-Pacific region, held a forum PWYP work…

PWYP Asia-Pacific Holds a Meeting to Discuss Challenges and Strategies to Promote Transparency and Accountability of Extractive Industries

Jakarta, PWYP Indonesia - The Secretariat of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) London, England, together with the PWYP coalition in Asia-Pacific, held a meeting to discuss challenges…

Strengthening the Capacity of Members, PWYP Indonesia National Secretariat Holds a Workshop on Tax Justice and Illicit Financial Flows

Jakarta, PWYP Indonesia - The National Secretariat of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia held a Sharing Session with the theme “Principles of Justice in Taxation and Its Cases…

PWYP Indonesia Collaborates with the PWYP Global Secretariat to Hold a Workshop on Understanding the Strategy and Indicators of the PWYP Global Vision 2020-2025

Jakarta, PWYP Indonesia - Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia, together with the PWYP Global Secretariat, held a workshop themed “Understanding the Global Vision of PWYP 2025:…

Legal Analysis and Evaluation Working Group Meeting on Mineral and Coal Mining Management, Ministry of Law and Human Rights

JAKARTA. National Coordinator of Publish What You Pay Indonesia, Maryati Abdullah and Program Assistant, Al Ayubi, attended the inaugural meeting of the Legal Analysis and…

Becoming an Activist, a Story of a Former Illegal Miner

Novi, not her real name, was an illegal miner. Now, she is surprisingly interested in participating in overseeing mining activities around where she lives, in Central Lombok…

Improving People’s Live Around Mining Areas: Open Up Access to Information & Participation

The government of West Nusa Tenggara Province issued a Local Government Regulation on Mining Governance in September 2019. In this newly-issued regulation, there is a specific…

Kendeng Community Recites Al-Quran for the Mother Nature

In the mid of Ramadhan this year, people of Kendeng which incorporated in the Community Network Saving the Kendeng Mountain (JMPPK) met and consolidated while doing sahur together…

Oil and Gas Local Content Regulation in Kutai Kartanegara Has Not been Optimally Implemented

Kutai Kartanegara is a district with significant oil and gas production in Indonesia. Not surprisingly, Kukar’s local budget revenue most contributed from Oil and Gas Revenue…