28 July 2016
MEMR Taking Unpaid Non-Tax Revenue Seriously: Appreciation Post
PWYP Indonesia would like to express our gratitude to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) for their commitment to increasing non-tax state revenue from the mineral…
24 June 2016
Eyes on The Forest: Clear and Clean Mining Permits Need Further Review
The determination of Clear and Clean (CnC) for mining permits after Coordination and Supervision (Korsup) of KPK in mineral and coal sector needs further review. Eyes on The…
1 March 2016
PKF: Science, Technology, and Activism for Public Policy Improvement
Not only state, in fact science also need to democratize itself. This was revealed in the Fourth PWYP Knowledge Forum (PKF), monthly discussion, entitled “Science, Technology, and…
28 January 2016
Fighting for the Space
The following content is a short video about the role of inclusive technology, drones in safeguarding communities' tenure rights around the mine carried out by PWYP Indonesia and…
5 January 2016
Tanah Ae Manak (Our Land)
This short movie depicts the real story about the impact of extractive industries toward indigenous people of Dayak in Tayan Hilir, Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan Province.…
27 November 2015
Extractive Industry Challenges in Sustainable Development
Policy reform in extractive industry has significant role in promote sustainable development goals, but the challenges are not a few. Therefore PWYP Indonesia held panel…
12 October 2015
Find a Way for Indigenous People in the Middle of Extractive Siege
The existence of extractive industry (mining, palm, and forest) grow massively in Sanggau District, especially in Tayan Hilir, has been narrowed the territories managed by…
5 October 2015
School of Drone, Learning Make Drone for Spatial Mapping
Swandiri Institute and PWYP Indonesia organized School of Drone (SoD) last September, 29 -October, 5 in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Workshop in making drone process, was followed…
15 September 2015
Participatory Budgeting for Impacted Villages Development
One of supporting factors in promoting social welfare is participation of community in budgeting process. Budgeting process itself consists of planning, implementing, and…