8 February 2019
Main Ideas of PWYP Indonesia Coalition Proposal on the Revision Oil and Gas Law Number 22 Year 2001
Oil and Gas Law Number 22 Year 2001 had been fie times asked to be judicial reviewed on Constitutional Court. Currently, Oil and Gas Law being in the revision…
31 July 2017
Allocation of Oil and Gas Funds Required
Jakarta, Kompas: Indonesia needs to allocate oil and gas funds to finance exploration of new reserves discovery. The funds can also be allocated for infrastructure spending in the…
30 November 2016
Civil Society Proposal on Revision of Oil and Gas Law
This presentation was delivered by Maryati Abdullah, National Coordinator of PWYP Indonesia in a discussion and media meeting of PWYP Indonesia 21 November 2016 entitled "Energy…
31 May 2016
Press Release: Civil Society Coalition Urges DPR to Immediately Discuss the Oil and Gas Bill
For the umpteenth time the Draft Agenda for Amendment to Law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas (the Oil and Natural Gas Bill) was set as one of the bills included in the 2016 priority…
30 May 2016
The Oil and Gas Bill Must Be Immediately Resolved
Metrotvnews.com, Jakarta: Discussion of Draft Law Number 22 Year 2001 regarding Oil and Gas has not yet been completed. In fact, the Oil and Gas Bill continues to be included in…
30 May 2016
The Oil and Gas Bill Must Be Immediately Discussed
Bisnis.com, JAKARTA - The discussion of the draft Oil and Gas Law must be carried out immediately to resolve various problems in the energy sector, particularly the governance…
30 May 2016
Oil and Gas Bill: NGO PWYP Reveals 11 Key Issues
Bisnis.com, JAKARTA- Publish What You Pay Indonesia specifies at least ten key issues in the Oil and Gas Bill that are still being handled by the Indonesian Parliament.…
23 May 2016
Civil Society Proposed Oil and Gas Funds
The oil and gas fund is intended to guarantee the existence of oil and gas reserves for future generations, increase national oil and gas activities, and support government…
12 May 2016
Planning for Oil and Gas Management Proposed by Civil Society
Civil society sees Oil and Gas Law no. 20/2001 is very exploitative without any aspect of planning, where oil and gas are a strategic resource which is the main energy source. On…
4 April 2016
Upstream Oil and Gas Institution Proposed by Civil Society
Public debate in the media related to the Revision of the Oil and Gas Law has narrowed to the institutional issue. The proposals on this special SOE are varied, some want…