29 June 2021
Oil, Gas and Mining Sector in the Perspective of the Energy Transition
Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Asia Pacific held an online discussion through zoom media with the theme “Oil, Gas, and Mining in The Energy Transition” on Tuesday (29/6). In this…
17 September 2020
Optimizing the Management of the Rokan Oil – Gas Working Area for the Riau Community
Pekanbaru - As is known, the contract of PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia (CPI) in the management of the Rokan Oil and Gas Working Area (WK Migas) will end on August 8, 2021. The…
15 January 2020
Challenges and Strategies for Management of Natural Gas Downstream
This presentation was delivered at the National Gas Management Public Discussion, 15 January 2019 Tantangan dan Strategi Pengelolaan Hilir Gas Bumi from Publish What You Pay…
14 January 2020
Iran-US Tensions: Government Need to Anticipate Fiscal Risk of Oil Volatility
Jakarta- the recent geopolitical conflict between the United States (US) and Iran poses risks for the economy in early 2020, both for global, national, and regional economies. The…
19 December 2019
Indonesia’s Oil and Gas Revenues: Using Payments to Governments Data for Accountability
The oil and gas sector is a significant source of revenue for the Indonesian government, contributing 7.4 percent of government revenue in 2018. Yet, a sharp decline in oil and…
19 March 2019
Natural Gas Optimization and Energy Security
Indonesia has been a net oil importer since 2004. To fulfill national energy needs, the government imports crude oil and subsidizes the fuel to make it affordable. However, over…
8 February 2019
Main Ideas of PWYP Indonesia Coalition Proposal on the Revision Oil and Gas Law Number 22 Year 2001
Oil and Gas Law Number 22 Year 2001 had been fie times asked to be judicial reviewed on Constitutional Court. Currently, Oil and Gas Law being in the revision…
16 January 2019
“The Future and Challenges of National Gas Management”
In the midst of declining petroleum production, gas has a strategic role in fulfilling energy needs and national industrial development. Gas is also deemed as an alternative…
1 April 2018
Oil and Gas Industry & The Challenges of Corruption Prevention in Indonesia
The oil and gas sector known as migas in Indonesian is one of the strategic industrial sectors that is considered vulnerable to corrupt practices. This is proven…
30 May 2016
Oil and Gas Bill: NGO PWYP Reveals 11 Key Issues
Bisnis.com, JAKARTA- Publish What You Pay Indonesia specifies at least ten key issues in the Oil and Gas Bill that are still being handled by the Indonesian Parliament.…