Challenges in Implementing an Effective Beneficial Ownership Commitments

Beneficial ownership commitment in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) platform is rapidly growing. 21 OGP members have made beneficial ownership commitments. Moreover, the…

Consolidation of Civil Society in Central Java, East Java, Yogyakarta in Promoting Contract and License Disclosure as Effort to Prevent Corruption

Thirty-two (32) civil society organizations in Central Java, East Java, and Yogyakarta province in the series of Open Government Week 2019 activities held a consolidation to…

Open Contract Data for Oil and Gas Rich Areas

Bojonegoro Regency is a good example of an open government. This openness also makes contracts in Bojonegoro District Government open to the public. In the extractive sector,…

From Environmental Disclosure to Beneficial Ownership Transparency – OGP ONRWG Peer Exchange in Madrid

Publish What You Pay Indonesia, EITI Indonesia Secretariat, and Coordinating Ministry of Economic Affairs attended OGP Openness in Natural Resources Working Group Peer Exchange…

Data Extractor: Learning to Harare

Dozens of data activist from several members of Publish What You Pay Coalition gathered in Harare, Zimbabwe, last May. They joined “Data Extractor Workshop’ which aims to analyze…

How Far Commitment of Open Government Indonesia to the Openness in Natural Resources

How far commitment of Open Government Indonesia (OGI) to the Openness in Natural Resource? This infographic indicates the action plan of OGI since 2012 until 2015 in promoting…

Open Data and Anti Corruption, A Great Fit

National Coordinator PWYP Indonesia, Maryati Abdullah, became one of panelist in International 6th Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) in Malaysia, last (2-4/9/2015). In her…