Profile of Local Open Government Partnership (OGP Local) Government Consortium of NTB Province and West Sumbawa District


Open Government Partnership (OGP) is an international partnership organization encouraging collaboration between government agencies and civil society organizations to provide accountable, responsive, and inclusive government. To date, government agencies in 78 countries and thousands of civil society organizations are members of the Open Government Partnership (OGP). OGP Local is an OGP initiative that connects Regional Governments (Pemda) with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to collaborate in developing Open Government Action Plans at the local level.
Efforts to realize an open government (Open Government) are very much in line with the vision and mission of West Nusa Tenggara Development as stated in the 2019-2023 Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD), in the second mission, namely CLEAN AND SERVING NTB through bureaucratic transformation with integrity, high performance, free from Corruption Collusion Nepotism (KKN) and dedicated.
In 2020, the NTB Provincial Government applied to join OGP Local and several other regional governments worldwide. After fulfilling various requirements and following different selection processes, the NTB Provincial Government was accepted as a member of OGP Local and asked to become a consortium with the West Sumbawa Regency Government.
By becoming a member of OGP Local, local governments will receive support from OGP through capacity building, consultation, and networking with government openness activist partners worldwide. Regional governments will also have the opportunity to share good practice experiences regarding multi-stakeholder cooperation and efforts to participate and involve NTB residents with the OGP community and the international community.


Accelerate and strengthen various NTB Provincial Government program activities, especially to realize the second mission, namely Clean and Serving NTB.
Expanding partnerships and collaboration networks between government agencies and encouraging community participation in regional development programs
Sharing knowledge and experience of best practices in implementing Open Government in various government agencies locally and internationally.
As one of the publication media for development programs at the national and international levels, it will present the image of West Nusa Tenggara as a province that develops the principles of open government (Open Government).


The Provincial Government of NTB, in the OGP Local process, proposed Three Program Commitments that support the principles of Open Government, namely NTB One Data, NTB Care, and the Posyandu Information System.

3.1 NTB One Data

The NTB One Data program has been implemented by the NTB Provincial Government since 2017 before the national One Data Indonesia policy was implemented.
In line with and supports the national policy of SATU DATA INDONESIA as stated in Presidential Regulation 39 of 2019 concerning One Data Indonesia.
Implementation of data governance to produce accurate, up-to-date, integrated, and accountable data, as well as easy to access and share, through compliance with Data Standards, Metadata, Data Interoperability, and use of Reference Codes and Master Data.

3.2 NTB Care

One of the flagship programs is expected to become a system for handling emergency social problems in society.
Realized as an application, it will provide a platform for the community and local government to communicate and collaborate to overcome various community problems.
NTB Care is a system that becomes the eyes, ears, and hands of the Regional Government in NTB to capture, understand, and respond to public complaints to the Government directly (real-time) without going through protocol procedures, which can save time. It is a technology that ensures the government is present in society.

3.3 Posyandu Information System

Support the flagship Posyandu Revitalization Program
Posyandu revitalization is to gradually increase the strata of posyandu towards family posyandu that serves all family members in the form of KIA posyandu, youth posyandu, youth posyandu, and elderly posyandu, as well as early detection of various social problems as the spearhead of hamlet-based community services
The Posyandu Information System is an information system application that manages multiple Posyandu data to become a family Posyandu that is useful for the general public, Posyandu cadres, and regional leaders in planning and preparing multiple policies in the field of public health and welfare.


In the process of applying as a member of OGP Local and preparing an Action Plan, the NTB Provincial Government has partnered with various Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), including:

  1. Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (FITRA) NTB,
  2. Community Solidarity for Transparency (SOMASI) NTB,
  3. Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia
  4. Indonesian Open Government Partnership.