Mataram, NTB (28/10/2019) – The National Coordinator of PWYP Indonesia, Maryati Abdullah, also the Envoy (Ambassador) of the Global Open Government Partnership (OGP), held a working visit to the Provincial Government of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), which welcomed by the Deputy Governor NTB, Dr. Hj. Siti Rohmi Djalilah and the NTB Provincial Information and Communications Office head, I Gede Putu Aryadi, S.Sos, MH. During the visit that took place on October 28, 2019, Maryati expressed her appreciation and interest in the NTB One Data program currently being initiated and developed by the NTB Provincial Government. In addition to inviting the Deputy Governor to give a speech in the public discussion that will occur the next day, the meeting also ends with a commitment to follow up on more concrete cooperation in the future, especially in encouraging informative, accountable, and open government.
The Deputy Governor of NTB, Ms. Siti Rohmi, welcomed the visit and appreciation of the PWYP director and conveyed the importance of the one data program in overcoming poverty alleviation programs in NTB to be more targeted and effective in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs). More specifically, the Deputy Governor emphasized the importance of revitalizing Integrated Healthcare Center (Posyandu) programs throughout the province of NTB through empowering women (Posyandu cadres) in overcoming problems of maternal and child mortality and malnutrition, and other health problems at the grassroots level. “Through one data, women Posyandu cadres, in addition to carrying out the function of preventing and managing health at the community level, are also the spearhead of data collection and validation; thus the data for our development program is always valid and on target,” added Mrs. the meeting.
The visit which took place with the director of SOMASI NTB was a series of PWYP Indonesia’s work agenda in promoting governance improvement programs (in the extractive industry sector and EITI), and also an effort to encourage effective collaboration (co-creation) between the government and stakeholders ( non-state actor) in promoting open and accountable governance through the Open Government Partnership (OGP). The Head of the Communication, Information, and Statistics (Diskomfotik) NTB Province, Mr. I Gede Putu, Aryadi during the visit told about the development of the one data initiative that has been launched by the Provincial Government which has succeeded in bringing NTB to several awards at the national level as a Public Information Agency that Informative. This achievement wants to be maintained and improved to provide more benefits to the community, including being ready to collaborate with all civil society and other stakeholders.
Related Media Coverage Links:
- https://www.ntbprov.go.id/post/program-unggulan/pwypi-tertarik-open-government-di-ntb
- https://metrontb.com/2019/10/wagub-ntb-terima-audensi-publish-what-you-pay/
- http://kabarlombok.com/tertarik-program-ntb-satu-data-publish-what-you-pay-audiensi-dengan-wagub/
- https://dutaselaparang.com/tertarik-dengan-program-ntb-satu-data-publish-what-you-pay-audiensi-wagub/
- https://dutaselaparang.com/pwypi-tertarik-open-government-di-ntb/
- https://www.ntbprov.go.id/post/ntb-raih-anugerah-badan-publik-informatif-tahun-2019