19 February 2018
Case Study: The Effectiveness of Management of Natural Resources Revenue Sharing Funds (DBH-SDA)
The management and utilization of Natural Resources should promote development that makes people prosperous, improves the economy, and alleviates poverty. More than a decade of…
6 July 2017
Road to the G20 Summit: Emphasizing the Issue of Climate Change, Here are Several Inputs from the Civil Society Forum
On 7-8 July 2017, the G20 Summit will be held in Hamburg, Germany. The forum, which consists of 20 member countries, will discuss important issues in the world economy, including…
26 May 2017
PWYP Knowledge Forum: Government Needs to Strengthen National Energy Security
Indonesia’s energy diplomacy policy is considered to have an inward-looking perspective. Emanuel Bria, Indonesia Country Manager of the Natural Resources Governance Institute,…
11 October 2016
Reversing the Resource Curse Indonesia
Publish What You Pay Indonesia (PWYP Indonesia) with the support of the Ford Foundation initiated the Reversing the Resource Curse program. The program focuses on increasing the…
11 October 2016
Resource Governance News September Edition
This September 2016 Newsletter summarizes the journey of the Reversing Resource Curse Program (Refusing the Curse of Natural Resources) (2014-2015) which took place in 4 regions,…
10 March 2016
PRESS RELEASE: Banking Responsibilities in Achieving Sustainable Development
The sustainable development approach has become mainstream at the global level. In September 2015, the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a guide…