Sedulur Sikep Wins Yap Thiam Hien Award 2018

The Sedulur Sikep community group received the 2018 Yap Thiam Hien Award (21/1) for their efforts to maintain natural harmony and social interaction in the Kendeng Mountains…

Resource Governance News September Edition

This September 2016 Newsletter summarizes the journey of the Reversing Resource Curse Program (Refusing the Curse of Natural Resources) (2014-2015) which took place in 4 regions,…

A Story from Cerro De Pasco: Towards a Rights and Environmental Recovery Scheme in the EITI Standard

By: Hermawansyah, Swandiri Institute As a policy dialogue forum, EITI involves 3 parties namely the State, the Business Community & Civil Society. Can EITI encourage…

Discussion Understanding Global Standards in Extractive Industry Governance

The mining and oil and gas industry contributes greatly to state revenue. The EITI (Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative) report for 2010-2011 showed that revenues from the…