Profile of Permanent Candidates
Civil Society Representatives in the Indonesian EITI Implementation Team
Period 2014 – 2016

1. Yenni Sucipto

Foto YenniEndah Sri Cahyani Sucipto or familiarly known as Yenni Sucipto is Secretary-General of the National Secretariat of the Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (FITRA), a PWYP Indonesia member based in Jakarta. The woman born in Kediri on May 18, 1980, is a graduate from Brawijaya University, Malang, East Java, and is currently registered as a postgraduate student in Gender Studies and Social Transformation, University of Indonesia, and also a postgraduate student in Economic at Bogor Agricultural University. Yenni Sucipto has experience and expertise in the areas of transparency in state budget revenues and expenditures, regional budget policies, and the development of women’s empowerment. Yenni Sucipto has been heavily involved in national and international projects on transparency and accountability of the state budget for several years. Some titles of books and writings from Yenni Sucipto that have been published include, “Injustice and Inequality: A Long Road to Post 2015 Sustainable Development”, “Evaluation on Fuel Prices: Liberalization and Exploitation”, “Alternative State Expenditure Budget 2013” and “Behind the 2010 Budget Charm”

2. Chitra Retna S

Foto ChitraChitra Retna Septyandicra is Executive Director of Article 33, a PWYP Indonesia member based in Jakarta. The woman born in Malang, 6 September 1971, who is familiarly called Chitra. She is a graduate of Environmental Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology and a Masters in Public Planning and Policy, University of Indonesia. Chitra has experience and expertise in the field of extractive industry governance, especially mining and forestry, the development of design and research instruments, transparency of state revenue and expenditure as well as economic development planning and public policy. Chitra has experience working in various national and global institutions such as PATTIRO, BAPPENAS, Revenue Watch Institute, CIDA, and others. Chitra is also active as a member in various national and global forums such as the Indonesian Sanitary Engineering and Environmental Engineering Association (IATPI); Evidence-based policy advocacy and development network (EBPDN) at the ASEAN level; and the Poverty and Economic Policy Network (PEP Network)

3. Yustinus Prastowo

Foto PrastowoYustinus Prastowo is a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics at the Atmajaya Catholic University in Jakarta and Executive Director of CITA – Center of Indonesia Taxation Center -. The man who is familiarly called Prastowo is born from the city of Yogyakarta on April 4, 1976. Prastowo is a graduate of the State College of Accountancy (STAN) and completed his Masters in Philosophy at Dwikarya University and the Masters in Public Administration at the University of Indonesia. Prastowo has experience and expertise in the fields of tax policy, tax design, public finance, and public policy. Prastowo has experience working in various institutions such as the Director-General of Taxes, Perkebunan Prakarsa, UKP4-UNDP, and others. Several titles of books and writings from Prastowo that have been published include, “Questioning Inequality, Longing for Welfare: Reconstruction of New Tax Policies”; “Tax and Public Accountability”; “Towards a Pro Justice and Prosperity Taxation Policy”; “Reconstructing Indonesia’s Taxation Policy” and so on.

4. Joko Purwanto

Foto JokoJoko Purwanto; Familiarly called Joko is the steering board of the Bojonegoro Institute, a member of PWYP Indonesia based in East Java. The man born in Ngawi, February 15, 1980, was the Executive Director of the Bojonegoro Institute for the period 2007 – 2014 who had studied at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) and had experience as Chairperson of the UMM Forestry Department Student Association and was active in the extra-campus organization PMII (Indonesian Islamic Student Association ) East Java. Joko has experience and expertise in the field of budget analysis and advocacy, public information disclosure, extractive industry governance, and participatory social audits of extractive industry activities. Joko actively mobilized community participation around the oil and gas mining operations in Bojonegoro to encourage transparent and accountable mining operations.
