As a preparation for Criteria and Standards Subcommittee Meeting of OGP in Washington, Maryati Abdullah as national coordinator of PWYP Indonesia and also the member of steering committee of OGP held consultation meeting with stakeholders consisting of CSOs, government, and donors in Ford Foundation, 14 February 2014. The purpose of the meeting itself is to get input points from the stakeholders and discuss the recent issues of OGP.

As the output of the meeting, PWYP Indonesia receive inputs related to the strengthening of civic space in the OGP, the improvement of Independent Reporting Mechanism, certain approach toward countries which lack of democracy and information’s freedom and the effort to promote the spirit of openness, transparency, and public participation through other multilateral agendas, such as MDGs Post-2015 and EITI. In this meeting, UKP4 (President’s Delivery Unit for Development Monitoring and Oversight) also shared the output of Governance and Leadership Subcommittee Meeting that was held two weeks earlier in Mexico. For more detailed output of the consultation meeting, click here.
