25 November 2016
Watchdog Urges House to Conclude Oil & Gas Law Revision
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia, a coalition for transparency and accountability of oil and gas, mining and natural resources management, urged…
25 November 2016
Beneficial Ownership Transparency, State Revenue, and EITI
Brief entitled "Beneficial Ownership Transparency, State Revenue, and EITI", captures how the absence of beneficial ownership transparency affect state revenue in a massive way.…
10 November 2016
Open Mining: From Extractive Data Disclosure to Citizen Empowerment
“I lived next to a mining operation for years. But I don’t know exactly the (authorized) location of that mining concession. Mining revenue? The local government never informed us…
5 January 2016
Tanah Ae Manak (Our Land)
This short movie depicts the real story about the impact of extractive industries toward indigenous people of Dayak in Tayan Hilir, Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan Province.…
10 November 2015
Extractive Industries: Unlocking the Sector
Presentation of Rizky Ananda Wulan Sapta Rini, researcher of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia. Delivered in the panel, titled "Addressing Extractive Challenge to Pursue…
10 November 2015
Integrating Environmental Protection into the Extractive Industry
Presentation of Jessica Webb, Civil Society Specialist, Global Forest Watch, World Resource Institute. Delivered in the panel, titled "Addressing Extractive Challenge to Pursue…
10 November 2015
Mainstreaming Free, Prior & Informed Consent (FPIC) in the Extractive Industry
Presentation of Ronald Allan A. Barnacha, National Vice President of Bantay Kita (Publish What You Pay Philippines). Delivered in the panel, titled "Addressing Extractive…
15 September 2015
Participatory Budgeting for Impacted Villages Development
One of supporting factors in promoting social welfare is participation of community in budgeting process. Budgeting process itself consists of planning, implementing, and…
27 August 2015
Riding Open Data Movement: Extractive Sector-Indonesia
The presentation of Jensi Sartin, researcher of Publish What You Pay Indonesia. Delivered in the 3rd International Open Data Conference, Ottawa (28-29 May 2015). Work on Open…
21 August 2015
Indonesia’s Mining Sector: Leaking Revenue and Clearing Forest
Indonesia’s rapid and extensive decentralization transferred substantial licensing authority to sub-national government, resulting in a proliferation of mining permits. This…