Indigenous People in The Midst of Extractive Industries’ Domination

Indigenous peoples, especially those living in around forests and hinterland areas, often receive direct impacts from extractive industry activities,…

Administration of Coal Permit under Coordination and Supervision of KPK

Indonesia is the world’s 5 largest coal producing country after China, United States ofAmerica, India and Australia. Before 2015, Indonesia is the…

Extractive Industry Policy Innovations and Civil Society Movement in Southeast Asia: An Introduction

Good governance in extractive industries (EI) and natural resources has played an important role in development, particularly for economic and social…

Draft Law on Oil and Gas Proposed Civil Society

The oil and gas industry in Indonesia is one of the pillars of the national economy. This is shown through its contribution to state revenue which…

Community Right Base Advocacy on Extractive Industries: Framing and Experience from South East Asia Countries

Human rights-based approach to advocacy, or shortened as rights-based advocacy, usually associated with needs-based advocacy. However the two can be…

ASEAN Coal Trend: Challenges and Opportunities on Facing ASEAN Economic Community (AEC)

ASEAN energy consumption is forecasted to rise because of the significant growth of economy and population in the region. Coal use continuously…

Report: Extractive Industry Transparency Towards Spatial Transparency

This document is a report on the study of spatial transparency of extractive industries in the province of West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan)…

Research Report on Responsibility for Mine Closure (Abandonment and Site Restoration / ASR)

This is a research report conducted by Dyah Paramita and Maryati Abdullah in 2010 regarding the Responsibility of Mine Closure (Abandonment and Site…

Understanding Revenue Streams for Oil and Gas Transparency

Revenue Watch Institute (RWI) Understanding Revenue Streams for Oil and Gas Transparency” by PATTIRO, as an effort to encourage transparency…