Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia is a civil society organization engaged in transparency and accountability in extractive natural resources governance: oil, gas, coal and mineral mining, and other natural resources. PWYP Indonesia has a vision to achieve extractive resources followed by transparency and accountability for the sake of national interest, thus shall be the fundamental base to achieve wealthy and social justice. The scope of work of PWYP Indonesia includes research, policy advocacy, public campaign, strengthening networks, community empowerment, and knowledge development, initiatives, pilot projects, and strategic collaborations (co-creation) with the government, civil society, and other strategic stakeholders, whether in national level or in other resource-rich regions as well as in global level.

PWYP Indonesia is currently running a program namely “Reversing the Resource Curse-RRC” in collaboration and supported by The Ford Foundation. RRC program is an initiative to encourage transparency and accountability in extractive resources governance, to diminish the leakage and corruption practices, to encourage the optimization and the accountability of revenue management for the sake of economic justice and inclusivity, as well as to strengthen the participation of civil societies and vulnerable community to develop the awareness and to actively participate public policy process. The main approaches of RRC program such as research and advocating policy, strategic collaboration (co-creation) with multi-stakeholders, development of open data initiative, communication strategy, and  specific initiative on youth and women group outreach to encourage extractive governance reform.

With the intention to accomplish RRC program’s outputs and goals, national secretariat of PWYP Indonesia open opportunity on partnering with civil society organization to engage in several activities, particularly related to the focused issues of RRC’s project. In 2017, has resulted 5 (five) collaborations which focused issues on following up coordination and supervision (Korsup)  report that held by GNPSDA-KPK, revenue management in extractive industry for poverty alleviation in village and sub-national level, as well serial of learning study for civil society and agent of change. In 2018, PWYP Indonesia is once again looking for partners, by means to take notice of the following requirements.

What are we looking for?

PWYP Indonesia is looking for working partner to implement the programs of Reversing the Resource Curse of 2018 in various regions, for many issues and area activities in which included but not limited to the following programs:

  1. Encouraging transparency and accountability in revenue management of extractive sectors (oil, gas, mining, and other natural resources) for poverty alleviation as well as pro-poor and inclusive development. The following project area shall be study on the impact of increasing of commodity price on regional fiscal capacity, the effectiveness revenue sharing from extractive sector for poverty alleviation programs, prevention of leakage and potential corruption in extractive sector, pushing scheme innovation of revenue sharing from extractive sector for village and communities, pushing development of fiscal model for development and regional revenue planning.
  2. Promoting women and the youth group participation in resources-rich regions in policy making process. The area of the project would be study and public discourse on role development of women and youth to improve revenue management and natural resources governance as well as policymaking in extractive sector, assist women group to access information of extractive sector and actively involve on policy making process of extractive sector, campaign on youth engagement to enhance transparency and governing extractive resources.
  3. Encouraging improvement the level of local government participation in extractive industry governance and operation. The area of the project would be assisting the local government on participating interest (PI) optimization of local-owned enterprise (BUMD) in oil and gas and/or mining divestment; facilitating the process of regional development planning rely on capacity factors and fiscal volatility from extractive industry.

General Terms

  1. Call for Partner 2018 is particularly for the member of National Coalition of Publish What You Pay Indonesia, shall be found on this following list: ; but not limited for the network outside from the Coalition of PWYP Indonesia to apply the proposal.
  2. The proposal may be proposed by one single institution or the consortium of member coalition from one same province. But not limited as well to be submitted by individuals.
  3. The proposal is addressed for one specific project referring to the issue and the description of work program area of Reversing the Resource Curse.
  4. The proposing organization must have bank accounts on behalf of the organization.
  5. The duration term of this Call for Partner supported program is between 3 (three) – 6 (six) months.
  6. Every submitted proposal must contain communication component and the usage of ‘Open Mining’/LAPOR apps to monitor mining activity.
  7. The selected organization is willingly committing to follow the procedures of project report or finance according to the standard that has been set by PWYP Indonesia.
  8. This CFP’s 2018 support may be harmonized with the program/ main project that is currently running in the organization itself
  9. The minimum amount range supported by CFP 2018 is Rp10.000.000,00 and the maximum is Rp40.000.000,00.

Submission Procedures

  1. The proposing proposal shall be done by filling 3 (three) main documents: (1) Interested and Proposing Project Form; (2) Budget Form; and (3) Organization Assessment Form, the form can be download here;
  2. Those documents must be signed by the head/director of the organization (as the legal person to represent the organization)
  3. The budget component supported by CFP 2018 includes this following matters: honorarium, project cost, meeting package, local transport, communication and publication, and cost for the usage of “Open Mining” app.
  4. Interested and Proposing Project Form, Budget Form, Organization Assessment Form, and any other attachments (the legal entity of the organization) shall be submitted/uploaded by online through this link, no later than Sunday, March 25 2018, on 24:00 WIB
  5. If there are any further questions, please contact or

Criteria and Assessment Process

  1. National Secretariat of PWYP Indonesia shall assess from the main criteria: the logical coherence between the title of the project and the goals and output, as well as the context of the regional and issues distribution related to the improvement of extractive industry governance.
  2. During the process of the submission and the assessment, as well as the review, National Secretariat of PWYP Indonesia shall occur the communication and in-depth discussion with the candidate partners.

The selected institution as the partner shall be announced on the website of PWYP Indonesia, with 2 (two) months of the maximum process after the application process is close.

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