Oil and Gas Extractive Industries and State Revenue

* This paper is the author's personal view Oil and gas extractive industry activities consist of upstream business activities and downstream business…

Social Audit for Transparency of Poverty Alleviation Program and CSR

The ability of people to understand the methodology of social audit needs to be sharpened in order to measure the effectivity as well as social,…

Overlapping Mining Permits with Forest Areas in Three Provinces

Thursday, April 23, 2015 | 22:17 WIB BENGKULU, KOMPAS.com - The Civil Society Coalition of Bengkulu, Lampung and Banten called for local governments…

Civil Society in Banten, Bengkulu, and Lampung Encourage KPK to Control Mining Management

Jakarta - a number of civil society members of the Anti Mafia Mining Coalition expressed their aspirations related to mineral and coal governance…

KPK Urged to Investigate Corruption in the Mine

Author: Prismono | Wednesday, April 22 2015 - 19:06:02 WIB Jakarta, Petrominer - Publish What You Pay Indonesia (PWYP Indonesia) urges the Corruption…

Korupsi SDA

The rise of Corruption in SDA

KPK Will Review Contracts of Work in Regions JAKARTA, KOMPAS - The practice of corruption of natural resources especially in the mining sector…


Jokowi Urged to Fix the Minerba Sector

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia - The mineral and coal sector (Minerba) is considered to have an adverse gap. For this reason, President Joko Widodo was asked…

To Split Vision, Mission and Program of President Candidates’ Open Natural Resources, Energy and Living Environment Fields

The Visions and Missions in the sector of energy of the two Indonesia’s presidential candidates have been presented. Both candidates Prabowo and Joko…

Smelter (ilustrasi)

Government Urged to Complete Mine Contract Renegotiation

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - The Civil Society Coalition incorporated in Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia urges the Government to immediately…

Training on Tax Analysis in the Extractive Sector

According to Global Financial Integrity’ study, Indonesia ranked as the seventh place in terms of illicit financial flows, reaching US$ 1878.8…