Jakarta – On November 14-16, 2022, a Workshop on the Developing of a Work Plan for Civil Society Representatives in the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiatives (EITI) Indonesia’s Multi Stakeholders Group (MSG) for the 2022-2025 Period was conducted. This hybrid workshop aims to reflect the role of civil society in the implementation of EITI Indonesia, increase the capacity of Civil Society Organization (CSO) representatives in the EITI Indonesia’s MSG, agree on strategic issues, advocacy agenda, and civil society advocacy work plan (2022-2025) in overseeing the EITI process and using EITI as an advocacy tool for improving extractive sector governance and agree on commitment and division of roles in implementing the results of the work plan that have been discussed.

CSO representatives have a very important role throughout the implementation of this extractive industry sector transparency and accountability initiative, with its various dynamics. The re-establishment of Indonesia as a compliant country on December 17, 2015, is an important achievement in Indonesia’s EITI track record. From this compliant status, Indonesia is considered capable of disclosing detailed information to the public about how revenue from the oil and gas, and mining sectors is managed. A significant challenge occurred in the 2017-2020 period when the implementation of EITI in Indonesia was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. So in response, CSO representatives in the 2017-2020 EITI Indonesia Implementation Team extended the period until 2022 to oversee the EITI Indonesia institutional transition process, ensure that the 8th and 9th EITI reports are published in a timely manner, as well as the implementation of EITI Standard 2019 which requires the government and companies to disclose contract and license documents, environmental financial obligations, and integration of gender equality and justice in the extractive industry.

Indonesia’s success in implementing EITI cannot be separated from the involvement of civil society organizations (CSOs) in their various roles and contributions. Thus, reflection among civil society raises concerns about two things: first, the effectiveness of civil society as one of the backbones of Indonesia’s EITI initiative in overseeing the EITI process (standards). Second, the ability of civil society to use the EITI initiative as an instrument (means) to achieve larger targets (ends), namely improving extractive sector governance in Indonesia. So that this raises a proposal to reflect on the role of CSOs in the implementation of EITI Indonesia, and how to formulate a more solid and detailed strategic agenda and work plan for civil society (CSOs) in guarding EITI Indonesia.

Author: Raudatul Jannah
Reviewer: Aryanto Nugroho
