PWYP Indonesia in collaboration with Article 33 held a workshop on “Contextualization of Indonesia’s Extractive Industries Transparency Coreative (EITI) in five regions (Riau, West Kalimantan, Southeast Sulawesi, West Nusa Tenggara and Papua / West Papua)” on 8-9 April 2013 in Jakarta.

The workshop was attended by representatives from the five regions namely the Riau Empowerment and Democratic Action Institute (LPAD), the Coastal and Inland Community Development Institute (LePMIL) of Southeast Sulawesi, the West Kalimantan Swandiri Institute, the Community Solidarity for Transparency (SOMASI) of West Nusa Tenggara and the Journalist Alliance Independent (AJI) of Papua. Also present the representatives of PWYP Indonesia members in Jakarta such as IESR, IPC, PATTIRO and Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW).

The workshop began with a presentation from David W Brown (World Bank) on the flow of revenues from the extracurricular sector and Ambarsari Dwi Cahyani (EITI Indonesia Secretariat) regarding the implementation of EITI in Indonesia.

This workshop discusses how to use the 2009 EITI report to conduct advocacy related to the management of state revenue from the oil and gas and mineral sector in the five regions. Each agency representative in the five regions explained the design of the action plan as follows:

  1. LPAD Riau
    Action Research Related to the EITI Report in Riau Province
  2. Swandiri Institute West Kalimantan
    Towards Spatial Transparency in the Extractive Sector in West Kalimantan Province
  3. LePMIL Southeast Sulawesi
    Mapping of Production Units and Revenue Flow From Nickel Mining in Southeast Sulawesi Province
    Enhancing the Capacity and Participation of Civil Society in EITI Implementation in NTB Province
  5. AJI Papua
    Creating Communication Products to Contextualize Indonesian EITI for Local Communities in Papua

Responders in the workshop included Firdaus Ilyas (ICW), Sulastio (IPC), Maryati Abdullah (PWYP Indonesia) and Wasingatu Zakiyah from the Jogja Institute of Development and Economic Analysis (IDEA)
