In supporting the Reversing the Resource Curse-RRC II, PWYPIndonesia conducted Call for Partner 2017. Call for Partner 2017 is held to promote transparency and accountability in extractive resource governance to eradicate corruption and potential lost, promote accountability in revenue management for inclusive and economic justice, and strengthening the community participation in developing their awareness and actively involved in the public policy making process.

Partners which will involve in the Reversing the Resource Curse II use the research method and policy advocacy, strategic collaboration (co-creation) of multi-stakeholder, development of open data innovation and strategic communication, and particular youth & women initiative in promoting extractive resource governance reform.

After going through selection and proposal review by the selection committee from national secretariat of PWYP Indonesia, these are five winners of Call for Partner 2017:

  1. FITRA Jatim – Study of “Scheme and Effectiveness of Endowment Fund for Bojonegoro District Development.”
  2. AKAR Foundation, Bengkulu-Study “Optimization of Revenue Management in Mineral and Coal Sector and Geothermal in Lebong District, Province of Bengkulu.
  3. FITRA Riau – Oversee the Effectiveness of the Implementation of Oil & Gas Allocation Village Fund (ADD) in Pelalawan District Riau.
  4. The consortium of PWYP NTB members (WALHI NTB, SOMASI NTB, & LSBH NTB)-Promoting Transparency and Reform in the Governance System of Mineral and Coal Mining in West Nusa Tenggara.
  5. Satu Dunia, Jakarta-“Writing of the Lesson Learn of the Resource Curse Program as a Medium for Knowledge Sharing for Civil Society and Actor of Change.”

The committee selection decision of Call for Partner 2017 is final and can not be contested.
