We Are Looking for Partner on Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Consultancy for GPSA Project in Mining Sector


The GPSA provides sustained and tailored support to civil society-led partnerships, including Yayasan Transparasi Sumber Daya Ekstraktif-Publish What You Pay Indonesia, to implement projects comprised of collaborative social accountability processes. These processes are implemented by multi-stakeholder compacts that engage citizens, civil society groups, public sector institutions in joint, iterative problem solving for more effective policy responses and improved in service delivery in areas such as Licensing and Revenue Management in Mining Sector. As projects are implemented, the GPSA’s Theory of Action expects these relationships to be strengthened and capacities increase for meaningful engagement in public sector policy making, implementation and service delivery systems.

Publish What You Pay Indonesia is a civil society coalition for transparency and accountability of resource governance, including oil and gas, mining and other natural resources governance. We are looking a Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) consultant for Citizen Monitoring for Transparency and Accountability of Licensing and Revenue Management in Mining Sector project. The project development objective is to improve the management and governance in the mining sector at the subnational level in three selected provinces: Aceh, East Kalimantan, and Southeast Sulawesi. The project has causally linked core components, mainly including (1) Capacity building for collaborative social accountability; (2) Implementing collaborative social accountability mechanism to contribute to improving mining licensing governance and revenue management; (3) Improving knowledge and learning on social accountability in the mining sector at the provincial level; and (4) project management and implementation unit. We are seeking a MEL Consultant (individual/organization) who can focus on the connection across project’s component, through the project’s theory of Action and can contribute to outcome-level including key assumptions and process outcome.

The purpose of this MEL consultancy is to provide expert technical assistance to develop and implement the project’s MEL system, strengthening the project’s Theory of Action and associated Results Framework, supervising data collection, reporting on select evaluative indicators, and preparation of the baseline and mid-term assessment, and undertaking the final evaluation of the project. The consultant should operate on principle that are in line with the principle of evaluation of the World Bank/GPSA. That is the evaluation must be adaptive, useful, independent, credible, and transparent.


The proposed methodology will be one of the main criteria for selecting the appropriate consultant for the assignment. Interested candidates are required to submit a detailed proposed methodology that fulfills the following requirements:

  • Clearly articulates a research design which uses theory-informed, causal analysis and appropriate qualitative methodologies in line with the purpose and specific goals of the assignment (see Section 5 of TOR).
  • Shows alignment with the adaptive learning approach (see section 4 of TOR) – specifically how from project MEL activities that took place considers causal logic from project inputs to expected outputs and will lead to a substantive evaluation against all (functional equivalent) indicators as outlined in the project-level Results Framework and a final analysis of the project outcomes against the Project’s Theory of Action.
  • Justifies methodological choices as fit for answering key evaluation questions. That is, the MEL framework should be appropriate to collaborative social accountability, explicit grounding on GPSA’s documentation and previous evaluations.
  • Articulates concrete processes to build stakeholders’ key capacities, including but not limited to inputs to help structure and facilitate the creation of the project-level Theory of Action and Results Framework, as well as how adaptive learning will be used to course correct project implementation and update the MEL system.
  • Discusses the potential risks and challenges for the evaluation and how these will be managed.

The successful tenderer will then refine this proposal, in consultation with the World Bank/GPSA and Yayasan Transparasi Sumber Daya Ekstraktif-Publish What You Pay Indonesia.

Key Responsibilities and Deliverables:

The consultancy will require the completion of several MEL deliverables to be completed in consultation with the Yayasan Transparasi Sumber Daya Ekstraktif-Publish What You Pay Indonesia, the WB TTL and GPSA Secretariat. Timeframes provided will be negotiated for the project once the successful candidate has been hired. The timeframes allow for draft and final deliverables that will be approved by the GPSA Secretariat and TTL. The disbursement table of the project provides additional information about the steps needed for the proposed sequence of activities to cohere with the key timeframes along the project cycle.

The following activities are required to fulfill the consultancy purposes and specific goals:

  • Developing a research design and MERL system with a MERL plan
  • Facilitate the creation of project-level Theory of Action and update to the result frameworks of the project activities
  • Development of operational tools, including a user friendly project MEL guide for project staff and other key stkaeholders
  • Preparing a project baseline for the GPSA project,
  • Monitoring data analysis and reporting
  • Preparing a mid-term assessment of the GPSA project
  • Preparing a final indpeendent evaluation of the GPSA project
  • Provide continuous MEL capacity building support to PWYP Indonesia

Key Qualifications:

This assignment will be contracted to an independent expert evaluator consultant or consulting firm with international experience and knowledge in monitoring and evaluation of social accountability projects. The consultant (could be a team) must meet the following qualifications:

  • A post-graduate university degree in the social sciences.
  • A minimum of 7-10 years of collecting and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data, including conducting interviews, development of monitoring indicators, and using data for causal claim-making in evaluative studies;
  • Solid understanding of social accountability, citizen participation and public governance. Previous experience evaluating social accountability and citizen participation projects is preferred.
  • Proven work experience in assessing measurable target indicators
  • Proven competence in sample survey techniques
  • Knowledge of theory of action, political economy and adaptive management approaches will be considered an asset.
  • Demonstrated ability to assess complex situations in order to succinctly and clearly distil critical issues.
  • Excellent analytical and report writing skills
  • Able to work independently with excellent demonstrated teamwork, good communications and facilitation skills
  • Experience in leading multi-disciplinary teams to deliver quality products in high stress and short deadline situations.
  • Previous experience in World Bank/GPSA evaluations is an asseT


The contract will start in April 2021 to March 31 2022. The contract will be extended based on performance.

Application Process

The Consultant should express his/her interest in this call through a brief proposal also underscoring the consultant’s/ firm’s unequivocal expertise with regards to the nature of the scope of work and suitability to execute the tasks laid out in this ToR, and curriculum vitae (of the lead consultant and team members if any) with 2 (two) referees and samples of recent work to [PWYP Indonesia] by electronic mail to: [rekrutmen@pwypindonesia.org, sekretariat@pwypindonesia.org] with subject email: [MEL GPSA_ Consultant_Name] no later than April 11, 2021 (only shortlisted candidates will be contacted).

*Term of Reference (Tor) could be found on attached document below the vacancy page
