Jakarta – KPK named Southeast Sulawesi Governor (Sultra) Nur Alam as a suspect in a suspected corruption case behind the issuance of Decree (SK) and permits related to the mining sector. KPK said that the SK and permits issued by Nur Alam violated the rules and moreover there was a kickback or commission behind it.

It turns out that based on research by the Indonesian NGO Publish What You Pay (PWYP), there are still thousands of mining business licenses (IUP) that do not meet operational standards or are not clear and clean (CnC).

“As of April 2016, there were still 3,982 IUPs with non CnC status out of a total of 10,348 IUPs throughout Indonesia,” said PWYP Indonesia researcher, Meliana Lumbantoruan, in a discussion at the KPK, Jalan HR Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Tuesday (08/30/2016) .

In other words, only 61.52 percent or 6,366 IUP of the total IUP is eligible to operate. The rest are IUPs that do not meet operational standards, both administratively and socially and environmentally.

“In addition, there are still permits or contracts in restricted areas for the use of forest areas, namely 1.37 million hectares in conservation forest areas and 4.93 million hectares in protected forest areas by pet open mining,” Meli said.

This means that there are 16.2 percent of IUP area which must be regulated from the total Minerba mining IUP / KK / PKP2B area of ​​38.9 million hectares, which is in a forest area of ​​26 million hectares and a land use area of ​​12.9 million hectares.

“So that the follow up to the regulation and structuring of IUP through Permen number 43 of 2015 is a good momentum to be guarded and harmonized with the process of handover of personnel, funding, facilities and infrastructure as well as licensing documents as regulated by Law number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the SDA Coordinator of the KPK Research and Development Directorate, Dian Patria, said there was no coordination between stakeholders playing in the Mineral and Coal sectors (minerba). As a result, after 2014, it was revealed that many protected and conservation forest areas were transformed into production forests.

“The fact is that if the stakeholder coordination in forestry and mining is explored, the data will be held individually, and only in June 2014 will the data be shared and it will be seen that there is a protected forest that has been granted a license to become a production forest. So that’s the fact, if we think about it going forward? ” said Dian.

“Our hope is that only true IUPs will exist in this country. If you want to go further, for whom? As much as possible for the benefit of the country right? In fact, now we see that there are many people who live around considerations that are affected a lot, “said Dian.

Source: here.
news.detik.com | Rini Friastuti | Tuesday, August 30 , 2016 | 7:13 WIB