Jakarta, O&G Indonesia – As many as 27 out of 108 mineral and coal (minerba) companies have not submitted company payment data to complete the 2012-2013 EITI (Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative) report. On the other hand, there are also 11 out of 174 companies in the oil and gas sector that have not completed the EITI report. A number of mining and oil and gas companies that have not reported EITI have the potential to set a bad precedent for transparency and governance of the extractive industries in Indonesia.

Maryati Abdullah, Coordinator of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia, regretted the attitude of the company not sending the EITI report amidst the government’s efforts to restore the suspended status of EITI Indonesia’s membership. This suspended status has been in effect since 26 February 2015 because Indonesia was late in issuing the EITI report for the 2012-2013 period.

“This shows the weak commitment and seriousness of these companies to be transparent and at the same time does not support the Jokowi administration’s efforts to improve transparency and accountability for the extractive industry in Indonesia,” said Maryati in Jakarta, Tuesday (29/09).

EITI is an international standard in reporting state revenues from extractive industries, whose process involves multi-parties consisting of government, business, and civil society and has been implemented in 46 countries. The implementation of EITI in Indonesia is based on Presidential Regulation No. 26 of 2010 concerning Transparency of State Revenue and Regional Revenue Obtained from Extractive Industries.

The following is a list of oil and gas companies that have not reported EITI (Source: EITI Indonesia Secretariat, 25 September 2015):
1. EMP ONJW Ltd: Offshore North West Java (ONWJ)
2. Risco Energy/ Salamander (acquisitioned by Kufpec in 2013): Offshore North West Java (ONWJ)
3. PT Imbang Tata Alam: Malacca Strait
4. PT Surya Kencana Perkasa: Tonga
5. PT Petross Petroleum Production: Tonga
6. Gulf Petroleum Investement Co.: Seram Non Bula
7. Lion International Investment Ltd.: Seram Non Bula
8. Fuel X Tungkai: Tungkai
9. International Mineral Resources Inc.: Selat Panjang
10. Orchard Energy Sumatra BV / Risco Energy (acquisitioned by Kufpec in 2013): South East Sumatra
11. HESS (acquisitioned by PHE in 2013): Blok Natuna Sea A dan Blok Pangkah

List of Mineral and Coal Companies That Have Not Reported EITI (Source: EITI Indonesia Secretariat, 25 September 2015):
1. Riau Baraharum: Riau (PKP2B)
2. Sumber Kurnia Buana: South Kalimantan (PKP2B)
3. Sebuku Iron Lateritic Ores: South Kalimantan (KK Mineral)
4. Amanah Ahugerah Adi Mulia: South Kalimantan (IUP Coals)
5. Arzara Baraindo Energitama: East Kalimantan (IUP Coals)
6. Bara Alam Utama: East Kalimantan (IUP Coals)
7. Bara Jaya Utama: East Kalimantan (IUP Coals)
8. Energi Coals Lestari: Kalimantan Tengah (IUP Coals)
9. Gema Rahmi Persada: East Kalimantan (IUP Coals)
10. Jembayan Muara Bara: East Kalimantan (IUP Coals)
11. Karya Gemilang Limpah Rejeki: Kalimantan Tengah (IUP Coals)
12. Kayan Putra Utama Coal: East Kalimantan (IUP Coals)
13. Nuansacipta Coal Investment: East Kalimantan (IUP Coals)
14. Padang Anugerah: East Kalimantan (IUP Coals)
15. Sinar Kumala Naga: East Kalimantan (IUP Coals)
16. Tunas Muda Jaya: East Kalimantan (IUP Coals)
17. KUD Gajah Mada: South Kalimantan (IUP Coals)
18. Bukit Merah Indah: Riau (IUP Mineral)
19. Citra Silika Mallawa: Sulawesi Tenggara (IUP Mineral)
20. Gunung Sion: Kepulauan Riau (IUP Mineral)
21. Serumpun Sebalai: Babel (IUP Mineral)
22. Stargate Pasific Resources: Sulawesi Tenggara (IUP Mineral)
23. Telaga Bintan Jaya: Kepulauan Riau (IUP Mineral)
24. Tinindo Inter Nusa: Bangka (IUP Mineral)
25. Bhumi Rantau Energi: South Kalimantan (IUP Coals)
26. Tujuh SW: Bangka Belitung (IUP Mineral)
27. Fajar Mentaya Abadi: Kalimantan Tengah (IUP Mineral) RH


Source: This is the List of Oil and Gas and Mineral and Coal Companies that Have Not Reported Financial Transparency to EITI
