After three years of being formed, the Extractive Industries Transparency Team socialized Indonesia’s first EITI (Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative) report. The first report for 2009 and preparation for the 2010-2011 report was held in Jakarta on Tuesday (5/14) yesterday. The delay in making the report had raised concerns about the fate of EITI in Indonesia.
Extractive Industries Transparency Team was formed through Presidential Regulation Number 26 Year 2010 on Transparency of State and Regional Government related the Oil and Gas Extractive Industries and Mining. Extractive industries are all activities that take natural resources directly from the bowels of the earth in the form of minerals, coal, petroleum, and natural gas.
The task of this team is to carry out the transparency of state revenues and regional revenues obtained from extractive industries. The 2009 EITI report compares government data and company data in the extractive industry. For example, how much post-mining rehabilitation funds, and income tax from each extractive industry company that the state receives.
The Coalition for Transparency and Accountability of Extractive Resource Governance, Publish What You Pay (PWYP) provides a critical note. PWYP considers that there are still problems in the EITI report, especially regarding data synchronization. For example, coal royalty. The revenue reports compiled by the government are bigger than the company’s report.
PWYP noted that many of the oil and gas and mineral and coal reports were different. “This means that what the company pays and what the government pays is not the same in the report,” explained Aryanto Nugroho, a member of the PWYP advocacy team. “We criticize the differences that emerge from the two reports”. He Continued.
Another problem criticized is cost recovery. Extractive industry companies tend to reject open data recovery costs. According to Aryanto, PWYP actually tried to encourage data cost recovery and the amount of corporate social responsibility to be opened to the public. Money that state pays for cost recovery is basically public money, and the amount is very large. “It means that the public must also know,” said Aryanto.
The Chairperson of the Central Information Commission, Abdul Rahman Makmun, agreed that transparency in the extractive industries should continue to be encouraged. The task of the Transparency Team is in line with the spirit of openness mandated by Law Number 14 Year 2008 on Public Information Openness. Even though it is maintained, Rahman said, extractive industries must continue to open up. Proactively having to open up,” He told to Hukumonline.
According to him, as long as the data in the report is not categorized as information that is excluded, the public has the right to access it. It is worth noting that Presidential Regulation Number 26 year 2010 also refers to Public Information Openness. However, Rahman stressed, the Information Commission was not a direct part of the Extractive Industries Transparency Team.

