Joint Press Release
23 October 2020

West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Indonesia – The government of West Nusa Tenggara and West Sumbawa has been selected to join the Open Government Partnership (OGP), an organization that brings together governments and civil society leaders to create more transparent, inclusive, and participatory government. As a new member of OGP, West Nusa Tenggara and West Sumbawa will work with local civil society organizations and other OGP members to advance the open government agenda locally and transform the way the government serves its citizens.

DR. Zulkieflimansyah, Governor of NTB Province, welcomed the addition of West Nusa Tenggara to the Partnership. He hopes to learn from OGP members at the national and local level to advance the open government movement. He said that the Open Government Partnership (OGP) principles that promotes transparency, participation, accountability and inclusiveness are very relevant to the NTB Province’s development missions. NTB Province is committed to improving better quality of public services, effective and efficient government management.

Indonesian CSO-OGP Secretariat Representatives, Aryanto Nugroho from Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia and Dwi Arie Santo from SOMASI NTB noted the importance of civil society and government collaboration to create reforms that respond to the needs of citizens in West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, and that OGP offers the right platform to achieve this. They believe in the collaboration of the Regional Government with civil society in the OGP Local will get the opportunity to apply unusual and ambitious ways to improve public services. A more open and more participatory government management will result to accountability in government. The citizens will increasingly trust in the services provided to them.

“PWYP Indonesia also welcomes and committed to continuing to collaborate with the government in promoting the spirit of openness for better public services”, said Aryanto, National Coordinator of PWYP Indonesia.

This far, civil society organizations and reformers in government have championed open government approaches in West Nusa Tenggara Province and West Sumbawa Regency. These initiatives consist of developing a public service complaint system and a whistleblowing system (WBS), revitalizing an integrated health service post (posyandu) through the posyandu information system and providing a single data portal for NTB. As a new member of OGP, West Nusa Tenggara and West Sumbawa government hopes to scale up these efforts in partnership with local stakeholders and incorporate lessons learned from other OGP members.

OGP is welcoming 55 other new local members composed of 64 local governments from 32 countries to join OGP Local. This expansion, the largest in OGP history, comes at a critical moment as cities and local communities are at the forefront of efforts to respond to COVID-19 while also facing strained budgets and climate insecurity. The 56 new members were selected out of a pool of 112 applications.

Members of OGP Local have been at the forefront of innovation, taking bold steps to address persistent challenges. For example, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, government and civil society partnered to ensure marginalized communities have access to reproductive health and, in Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana, citizens can digitally access information on applications for infrastructure projects empowering them to fight corruption and illegal construction activities. Following the success of the first 20 OGP local members, the OGP Steering Committee agreed to expand the cohort in 2020.

OGP’s Chief Executive Officer, Sanjay Pradhan, warmly welcomed the addition of the new members to the Partnership: “Local leaders – in government and civil society – are often closest to the people they serve. Open local government can deliver a transformative impact in people’s lives and build trust.

Assessed by OGP and chosen by a diverse Selection Committee composed members of the OGP Steering Committee, current OGP Local members and civil society representatives, West Nusa Tenggara Province and West Sumbawa Regency was selected based on the assessment of criteria outlined in the call for proposals, as well as other factors considered to ensure a regionally diverse group, with different types and size of entities, and unique strengths to complement the objectives of OGP Local.

OGP received more than 100 joint applications from governments and civil society organizations at the local level in 2020 expressing their interest in joining OGP Local. All applicants have been invited to join OGP Local’s Community of Practice and contribute to develop OGP’s knowledge base of local open government and participate in OGP peer exchange activities to scale up reforms at the national and local levels for all OGP members.


About OGP:

In 2011, government leaders and civil society advocates came together to create a unique partnership—one that combines these powerful forces to promote accountable, responsive and inclusive governance.

Seventy-eight countries and a growing number of local governments—representing more than two billion people—along with thousands of civil society organizations are members of the Open Government Partnership (OGP).

Contact Persons:

  1. NTB Provincial Public Relations
  2. PWYP Indonesia
