Self-led influencing: Shifting the Empowerment Narrative

Voice, a grant facility for diversity and inclusion, held the “Knowledge Exchange: Influencing Unbound; Rightsholders Taking the Lead” in Masaka, Uganda. This learning event…

Mother Earth Movie

Mother Earth Bagus (20 years old), a farmer living in the fertile Kendeng Mountains of Central Java, is concerned about the environmental degradation in his home. Together with…

Solidarity of Indigenous Peoples in the Middle of Pandemic

Pangkur: Sethitik kang den tindakna // Ibu Bumi nyata wiwit ngadili // Ingkang wujud pagebluk // Kanti aran corona // Gawe goreh sedayanya dadi bingung // Wis akih ingkang…

Mainstreaming SDGs in Development Plans in Central Java: Review of Spatial Aspects and Community Participation

Planning is a crucial aspect in regional development policy because in addition to being the first step in achieving goals, it also reflects the perspective of a…

Sedulur Kendeng Social Audit Training: Increasing Community Participation in Development Oversight

Community participation is needed to ensure the implementation of appropriate and equitable development policies. This is stated in PP No.45 of 2017 concerning Community…

Kendeng Community Recites Al-Quran for the Mother Nature

In the mid of Ramadhan this year, people of Kendeng which incorporated in the Community Network Saving the Kendeng Mountain (JMPPK) met and consolidated while doing sahur together…

Community Training on Policy Advocacy and Kendeng Women Gathering

For decades, Kendeng’s heroine have been involved in various activities to preserve Kendeng Mountain. Their aspiration has been voiced, including during the meeting with the…

These Kartini from Central Java Will Continue to Speak Out for the Sustainability of the Earth

Women from various regions in Central Java, came to the Office of the Governor of Central Java in Semarang, on Kartini Day, April 21, to voice the various environmental and…

Sedulur Sikep Wins Yap Thiam Hien Award 2018

The Sedulur Sikep community group received the 2018 Yap Thiam Hien Award (21/1) for their efforts to maintain natural harmony and social interaction in the Kendeng Mountains…