10 July 2019
MoU on Strengthening and Utilizing Beneficial Ownership Data Base: It is Time to Open the Beneficial Ownership to Public!
Jakarta—Publish What You Pay Indonesia coalition appreciated the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Strengthening and Utilizing the Beneficial Ownership Data Base in…
4 July 2019
Challenges in Implementing an Effective Beneficial Ownership Commitments
Beneficial ownership commitment in the Open Government Partnership (OGP) platform is rapidly growing. 21 OGP members have made beneficial ownership commitments. Moreover, the…
15 March 2019
Consolidation of Civil Society in Central Java, East Java, Yogyakarta in Promoting Contract and License Disclosure as Effort to Prevent Corruption
Thirty-two (32) civil society organizations in Central Java, East Java, and Yogyakarta province in the series of Open Government Week 2019 activities held a consolidation to…
10 November 2016
Open Mining: From Extractive Data Disclosure to Citizen Empowerment
“I lived next to a mining operation for years. But I don’t know exactly the (authorized) location of that mining concession. Mining revenue? The local government never informed us…
5 September 2015
Open Data and Anti Corruption, A Great Fit
National Coordinator PWYP Indonesia, Maryati Abdullah, became one of panelist in International 6th Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) in Malaysia, last (2-4/9/2015). In her…