25 November 2016
Watchdog Urges House to Conclude Oil & Gas Law Revision
TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia, a coalition for transparency and accountability of oil and gas, mining and natural resources management, urged…
15 July 2016
PWYP Indonesia Coalition Urges Parliament to Discuss Oil and Gas Law Revision Immediately
2016 marks 12 years after the issuance of the decision of Constitutional Court No. 002/PUU-I/2003 which annuls several articles of Law Number 21 Year 2001 concerning Oil and Gas…
16 December 2015
PWYP Knowledge Forum with Patrick Heller – Institutional Frameworks and Contract Structure
[slideshare id=54371425&doc=patrickhellerpresentation-oilandgaslawconsiderations-october2015-151026070823-lva1-app6892] On this occasion, Patrick Heller gave an explanation of…