19 August 2023
Surrounding PGN’s loss, the Potential for Corruption Spreads
Surrounding PGN's loss, the Potential for Corruption Spreads Jakarta, law-justice.co - There are a series of irregularities in several PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk or…
15 January 2020
Challenges and Strategies for Management of Natural Gas Downstream
This presentation was delivered at the National Gas Management Public Discussion, 15 January 2019 Tantangan dan Strategi Pengelolaan Hilir Gas Bumi from Publish What You Pay…
19 December 2019
Indonesia’s Oil and Gas Revenues: Using Payments to Governments Data for Accountability
The oil and gas sector is a significant source of revenue for the Indonesian government, contributing 7.4 percent of government revenue in 2018. Yet, a sharp decline in oil and…
19 March 2019
Natural Gas Optimization and Energy Security
Indonesia has been a net oil importer since 2004. To fulfill national energy needs, the government imports crude oil and subsidizes the fuel to make it affordable. However, over…
18 September 2018
# 20 Years of Reform: Notes on the Oil and Gas and Mining Sector
The report was prepared and published by Publish What You Pay Indonesia to mark the 20th anniversary of the Reformation Era since 1998. This report was prepared as a reflection…
3 July 2018
Portrait of Oil and Gas and Mining in East Java Province
National extractive resources, particularly the oil and gas and mineral and coal mining sectors, are still the primary sector contributing to state revenue (APBN), where 25 to 30%…
28 May 2018
Indonesia’s energy consumption grows 4 percent every year, and this is a fact.
Merdeka.com - The National Coordinator of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia, Maryati Abdullah, conveyed several facts related to Indonesia's energy sector's development after…
28 May 2018
INDEF asks the government not to burden BUMN Energy
Liputan6.com, Jakarta - Director of the Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF), Enny Sri Hartati, highlighted the government’s policy not to increase fuel oil…
18 May 2018
Research: Problem Map and Governance of the Indonesian Gas Industry, Along the Extractive Industries Value Chain
Indonesia is the largest gas supplier in Southeast Asia, with total exports of around 45% of production. Going forward, the projected production and use for primary energy…