5 November 2018
The Effectiveness of B20 Biodiesel Policy to Save Rupiah, Transition to Renewable Energy, and Overcome Inequality
The government of Indonesia on last 1 September 2018, has issued the policy on the utilization of Biodiesel B20 for mining, electricity, railway, and manufacturing sector, through…
31 October 2018
Lack of Community Participation in Environmental Impact Management & CSR in the Mining Sector
Community involvement has not been well implemented in environmental impact management in the mining sector. This was expressed by Nurhidayati, WALHI National Executive Director…
10 October 2018
Ecological-based Provincial Fiscal Transfer for Forest Conservation
9.39 million hectares of Indonesian forest is now endangered. In maintaining its existence, various initiatives are needed, one of them is the Ecological based Provincial Fiscal…
4 February 2016
Ministerial Regulation on the Implementation of Reclamation and Post-Mining in Mining Business Activities (Ministerial Regulation 07/2014)
PWYP Indonesia encourages policy reforms in the mineral and coal sector, one of which focuses on aspects of compliance and improvement of the reclamation and post-mining guarantee…
8 January 2016
Winning a Forest Burning Company, Judge Assessed Not Understanding the Environment
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Civil society who are members of the Anti-Mafia Forest Coalition considers that the panel of judges who won PT Bumi Mekar Hijau in the case of forest and…