The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Needs to Seriously Claim Environmental Losses and Corporate Crimes from the Nur Alam Case

The Nur Alam case's prosecution shows that the Corruption Eradication Commission is still not serious in dealing with corruption cases that cause environmental damage. From the…

5,000 Mining Companies in Arrears for Reclamation Deposits

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - Publish What You Pay Indonesia urges the government to immediately take action against mining companies that refuse to deposit the mine reclamation and…

Many Coal Mines Overlap Forest Areas

Mining activities in the regions have increased significantly since the introduction of regional autonomy or decentralization. It gives each region the authority to regulate…

Mining Licenses Have Risen Sharply Since Regional Autonomy, Including Illegal License.

Jakarta - The increase in mining licenses (IUP) in Indonesia occurred during the transition of government from centralization to decentralization or regional autonomy. With the…

Press Release: Launching of Coal Permit Structuring Report in Korsup KPK

Report: The Management of Coal Permits in Korsup KPK released by PWYP Indonesia is present to summarize the journey of coal mining governance reform initiated by the Corruption…

The Government is Urged to Firmly Follow Up on Potential Losses from Indications of Environmental Violations at Freeport.

Jakarta - Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia urges the government to follow up on potential losses from environmental violations indications of PT. Freeport Indonesia. Signs of…

PWYP Indonesia Encourages Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia (ORI) to Strengthen the Follow-up Implementation of Coordination and Supervision for Minerals and Coal.

Jakarta - Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia with the Coordination and Supervision Team for Minerals and Coal (Korsup Minerba) The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) held…

Child Victim Died at the Mining Pit

Child Victims Died in Mine Pits, How Long Do You Want To Leave? At present, 26 children have died from drowning in a former pit. Because the mining pits are located close to…

3.982 IUPs Are Still Non-C&C

As of May 16, 2016, there were still many Mining Business Permits (IUP) with non C&C status. This C&C IUP is caused by the company not having NPWP, concessions overlapping…