10 February 2020
Environmental Economic Valuation in Public Policy
The environment is an essential aspect of sustainable development. However, in the public policymaking process, the environment often ignored. The environmental issue is often…
22 May 2019
Accessing mining information: an early attempt to restore environmental sustainability
West Lombok Regency ranks third as the region with the highest number of mining permits (IUP) in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province. Based on data from the West Nusa Tenggara…
24 April 2016
Energy Governance and Saving the Natural Environment
Answering the challenges from Sustainable Development, Paris Agreement, and saving the natural resources, PWYP Indonesia presented "Energy Governance and Saving the Natural…
10 November 2015
Integrating Environmental Protection into the Extractive Industry
Presentation of Jessica Webb, Civil Society Specialist, Global Forest Watch, World Resource Institute. Delivered in the panel, titled "Addressing Extractive Challenge to Pursue…