26 January 2019
PWYP Indonesia Calls for Stronger Supervision and Law Enforcement in the Implementation of Reclamation and Post-Mining
Coordination and Supervision of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in mineral and coal sector (known as Korsup Minerba KPK) throughout 2014-2018 has led to revocation and…
17 May 2016
Civil Society Coalition is Waiting Realization of Mining Moratorium Policy
Jakarta-The Civil Society Coalition who focuses to encourage the reform of extractive resources governance, Publish What You Pay Indonesia asks Joko Widodo to issue the regulation…
17 March 2016
Monev of Coordination and Supervision Energy Sector Reveals the Big Problem
Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) held Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of Coordination and Supervision in energy sector on last 17-18th March in Pekanbaru. The monev…