18 July 2017
The Government’s Commitment To Limit Coal Production Is Questionable
Jakarta: The government's commitment to implement the policy to limit coal production to 400 million tons by 2019 is doubtful. Limiting coal production is the mandate of the…
17 July 2017
Production Needs to be Following the Benchmarks
Jakarta, Kompas: The government should comply with the 2017 coal production standard of 413 million tons to maintain environmental balance. There are indications to increase…
7 July 2017
The Republic Of Indonesia Needs to Strengthen Its Commitment
JAKARTA, KOMPAS - Ahead of the G-20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany, the Civil Society Forum for Foreign Policy has urged President Joko Widodo to strengthen his commitment to the…
6 July 2017
Road to the G20 Summit: Emphasizing the Issue of Climate Change, Here are Several Inputs from the Civil Society Forum
On 7-8 July 2017, the G20 Summit will be held in Hamburg, Germany. The forum, which consists of 20 member countries, will discuss important issues in the world economy, including…