PWYP Indonesia Gave Notes In the Implementation of Beneficial Ownership Transparency

Jakarta - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) recently evaluated Presidential Regulation No. 13/2018 regarding the Implementation of the Principle of Recognizing Beneficial Owners of…

Public-Private Dialogue Beneficial Ownership Transparency on Corporation

Jakarta- Post issuance of President Regulation No. 13 of 2018 on Principle Application in Recognizing Beneficial Ownerships to Corporations in the Prevention and Eradication of…

Active Publication of Beneficial Ownership Data/Information for the Public Can Be Done With Certain Levels

Jakarta - (30/09/21) In commemorating the Right to Know, which falls on September 28, 2021, PWYP Indonesia organized a Multi Stakeholders Forum entitled "Disclosure of Beneficial…

Beneficial Ownership Transparency for Trust and Tax Avoidance Loophole in Indonesia

Currently, Indonesia does not yet have adequate regulations regarding trusts. The weakness of this regulation is a legal loophole that taxpayers can exploit to…

How Indonesian Beneficial Ownership Advocates Are Helping Fight Corruption in Extractive Industries

As a country with significant mineral reserves including gold, copper, tin and bauxite, Indonesia is considered an attractive location for investment. The abundance of mineral…

A Guide to Understanding BeneficialOwnership and Corporate Ownership Mapping for Communities

Beneficial Ownership transparency is a significant breakthrough in preventing various criminal activities, such as money laundering, terrorism, and corruption. In general, the…

Contract Disclosure and Beneficial Ownership Transparency

Contracts Disclosure and beneficial ownership transparency are two transparency instruments of corporations that are very important in efforts to prevent…

Hukum Online

The Disclosure of Beneficial Owner is ‘Entrance’ to Chase Corporate Tax Avoidance

Draft Presidential Regulation on Application of the Principle of Recognizing the Beneficiary Owners of Corporations in the Framework of Prevention and Eradication of Criminal Acts…