Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and Beneficial Ownership Transparency (BO)

  Lihat postingan ini di Instagram   Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Publish What You Pay Indonesia (@pwypindonesia) The Financial…

Civil Society: Strengthen the Implementation of the Beneficial Owner Principle

BETAHITA.ID - Civil society groups in Indonesia are calling for concrete action to strengthen the implementation of transparency in the application of principles that recognize…

Civil Society Urges Concrete Action to Strengthen the Implementation of Transparency in the Implementation of Beneficial Ownership After Indonesia Becomes a Member of the FATF

Jakarta - Indonesia officially became the 40th full membership of the FATF (Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing) through a plenary meeting in…

Public-Private Dialogue Beneficial Ownership Transparency on Corporation

Jakarta- Post issuance of President Regulation No. 13 of 2018 on Principle Application in Recognizing Beneficial Ownerships to Corporations in the Prevention and Eradication of…

How Indonesian Beneficial Ownership Advocates Are Helping Fight Corruption in Extractive Industries

As a country with significant mineral reserves including gold, copper, tin and bauxite, Indonesia is considered an attractive location for investment. The abundance of mineral…

A Guide to Understanding BeneficialOwnership and Corporate Ownership Mapping for Communities

Beneficial Ownership transparency is a significant breakthrough in preventing various criminal activities, such as money laundering, terrorism, and corruption. In general, the…

Contract Disclosure and Beneficial Ownership Transparency

Contracts Disclosure and beneficial ownership transparency are two transparency instruments of corporations that are very important in efforts to prevent…

MoU on Strengthening and Utilizing Beneficial Ownership Data Base: It is Time to Open the Beneficial Ownership to Public!

Jakarta—Publish What You Pay Indonesia coalition appreciated the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Strengthening and Utilizing the Beneficial Ownership Data Base in…

Paris EITI Global Conference: What’s New in the EITI Standard

Ahead of summer of 2019, around 1000 participants attended the 8th EITI Global Conference which held in OECD Conference Center, last June 17th-19th in Paris. With the theme “Open…

Advancing the Implementation of Beneficial Ownership Disclosure in Indonesia

PWYP Indonesia together with the Secretariat of Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) Indonesia under Coordinating Ministry of Economics held focus group discussion…