Dec 25, 2013

Banda Aceh – Communities must supervise Special Autonomy funds that have, are, and will flow to Aceh so that large amounts of funds are not used for political interests of certain parties. As stated by National Coordinator at Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia, Maryati Abdullah, in a contextual discussion of revenue sharing from the extractive sector, facilitated by the Aceh Anti-Corruption School (SAKA), Tuesday (12/24/2013) in Banda Aceh.

Maryati Abdullah said the supervision of public financial transparency, not only on revenue sharing but also on contracts and other administration related to the extractive sector. “In Aceh, there are very many oil and gas mining blocks and this requires transparency in its management,” she said. According to her, the transparency of the management and utilization of special autonomy funds that are being enjoyed by Aceh should be carried out by all parties, so that their utilization is in line with the people’s welfare mission.

According to Maryati, trillions of rupiah of special autonomy funds received by Aceh, have not shown significant results in the context of improving equitable welfare for the people of Aceh. “Then where are all the special autonomy funds that have been given?” said the anti-corruption activist which questioned the funds. She said it takes seriousness with all parties to oversee the Aceh Special Autonomy Fund, in order to avoid abuse for the benefit of certain groups.

Ridaya Laode Ngkowe, a former PWYP Indonesia coordinator who was also present at the discussion added that corruption from the extractive sector was very prone to corruption. Ridaya said that it should not be tolerated. Therefore supervision is an absolute work by all parties so that the people do not fall for benefits. “This extractive sector corruption has become a cross-country case and has been going on for a long time,” Ridaya said.

While the GeRAK Aceh Coordinator, Askhalani said, a discussion of the context for the results of state revenue from the extractive sector was held to provide understanding to the public, related to the flow of budget revenues from the extractive sector whose utilization was considered not entirely as expected.

“Ideally the special autonomy revenue channel is used for health, education, and for the welfare of the community, but in fact, most of the funds are used for others,” Askhalani said. (Zamroe)

Source: AtjehLink
