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Candidates for National Coordinator and Members of the Steering Committee register and send a letter of interest and other supporting documents.
Registration Deadline
5 August 2024. 23.59 Jakarta Time (GMT +7)
Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia is a civil society coalition for transparency and accountability in the governance of extractive resources (oil and gas and mineral and coal), as well as energy and natural resources (SDA). Established in 2007 and registered as an Indonesian legal entity in 2012 under the name Yayasan Transparasi Sumber Daya Ekstraktif (YTSDE) with the foundation registration number for the first time AHU-002650.10.2014. PWYP Indonesia was established to encourage the advancement of accountable and transparent governance of extractive resources, energy, and natural resources in Indonesia and at the global level, aggregating public interests from the perspective of civil society organizations and strengthening the capacity of civil society to play a strong role and active involvement in extractive resource governance reform, for a just and sustainable development order.
PWYP Indonesia is affiliated with the Publish What You Pay campaign at the global level, which was formed in 2002 with the initial aim of encouraging extractive industry companies to publish payments (tax and non-tax) from extractive industries to the Government. This coalition encouraged the birth of the global EITI (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative) initiative in various natural resource-rich countries. After a decade, the coalition and its members have widened the scope of their advocacy – not only in the revenue and tax chain but also along the extractive industry value chain, from licensing/contracting aspects to extractive industry revenue utilization and sustainable development.
The General Meeting of Members (GMS) is one of the highest decision-making mechanisms of the coalition, where one of the agendas is to elect the National Coordinator and Members of the Governing Board (BP) of the PWYP Indonesia Coalition. The PWYP Indonesia Coalition GMS has occurred 4 (three) times, namely in 2009, 2012, 2015, and 2020. At the 2020 GMS, the coalition elected leadership and management bodies at the national level, which has elected 1 (one) National Coordinator and 7 (seven) Governing Bodies who are mandated to run the wheels of the coalition, as stipulated in the PWYP Indonesia Statute.
The management of the 2020-2024 period has ended. For this reason, it is the responsibility of the current management to prepare and carry out another GMS with several agendas, one of which is to elect management for the 2025-2029 period so that the coalition can run again in the future.
For this reason, we call on the best sons and daughters of the Indonesian nation and members of the PWYP Indonesia coalition to run as candidates for National Coordinator and PWYP Indonesia Governing Board Members, who will later be elected at the PWYP Indonesia AGM. What are the criteria and competencies needed to become a National Coordinator and member of the Governing Board, and what is the registration mechanism and process? Please take a closer look below.
Functions, Duties, Rights, and Obligations of the National Coordinator
Following Articles 24 and 27 of the PWYP Indonesia Coalition Statute (2020) regarding the National Coordinator, where the functions, duties, and authorities of the National Coordinator, among others, are described as follows:
Article 24
- The National Coordinator is an individual who leads the PWYP Indonesia National Secretariat (Seknas), which is elected and determined through the RUA.
- The term of office of the National Coordinator as referred to in paragraph (1) is for one management period and can be re-elected for only one subsequent management period.
- The National Coordinator has the following duties:
- To communicate and interact with PWYP Indonesia Members, the global PWYP network, and other civil society organizations in Indonesia and outside Indonesia;
- Provide support and facilitate PWYP Indonesia Members as long as it is in line with PWYP Indonesia’s vision and mission, GBHK, and Work Plan;
- Collecting, managing, and disseminating data and information on knowledge products and activities of PWYP Indonesia Members;
- Cooperate, coordinate, and synergize in policy advocacy at the national level and facilitate advocacy at the regional level carried out by PWYP Indonesia Members;
- Conduct capacity building of PWYP Indonesia Members;
- Organizing the administration of membership, Board, and organizational activities;
- Prepare and propose the Work Plan annual Budget and Expenditure Plan of the organization;
- Seeking sources of funding to implement the decisions of the RUA and the organization’s annual Work Plan and Carry out other tasks assigned by the Board Members.
- The National Coordinator’s has the following authorities:
- Carry out the Work Plan annual Budget and Expenditure Plan that the
- Board Members have approved;
Conducting fair distribution of programs or activities to PWYP Indonesia Members by considering the needs of PWYP Indonesia Members and organizational capabilities. - Appoint Secretariat and program staff as needed after obtaining consideration from the Board Members;
- Request information and documentation from PWYP Indonesia members;
- Representing PWYP Indonesia in forums at local, national, and international levels;
- Wear PWYP Indonesia’s symbols and work tools;
- On behalf of and representing PWYP Indonesia for fundraising, conflict resolution, mediation, lobbying, advocacy, and campaigning to carry out the mandate as national coordinator;
- On behalf of and represent PWYP Indonesia in agreements and engagements with other parties and act before the court;
- Discussing, supervising, evaluating, and giving consideration to the running of the fundraising units of the National Secretariat and PWYP Indonesia Members as long as they are facilitated by the National Secretariat, together with the Board Members.
- The rules of procedure of the RUA trial further regulate the procedures for electing the National Coordinator.
- Functions, Duties, and Authorities of the Board Members
According to Article 22 of the PWYP Indonesia Coalition Statute (2020) regarding the Board, the functions, duties, and authorities are outlined as follows:
- The Board of PWYP Indonesia consists of individuals representing and/or supported in writing by at least four member organizations/institutions. It is elected democratically during the General Assembly for one term and can be re-elected for only one additional term.
- The Board has an odd number of members, at least seven.
It is led by a chairperson who is also a member, a secretary who is also a member, and the remaining members who serve collectively and collegially. - Leadership changes can be made if deemed necessary and urgent.
- The duties of the Board of PWYP Indonesia include:
- Organizing RUA and RUAI together with the National Coordinator;
- Overseeing the implementation of RUA and RUAI results;
- Verifying the acceptance and dismissal of membership;
- Supervise the implementation of the Secretariat’s routine activities carried out by the National Coordinator;
- Report the results of its work in writing to the RUA;
- Submitting the results of its supervision to members at least once every six months.
- Discussing and evaluating the performance of fundraising units both implemented by National Secretariat and PWYP Indonesia Members as long as facilitated by National Secretariat; and
- Facilitate information requests, objections, or disputes between PWYP Indonesia Members and the National Coordinator, National Secretariat, and/or members of the Board.
- The Board of PWYP Indonesia has the authority to:
- Approve and determine the Work Plan and annual Budget and Expenditure Plan submitted by the National Coordinator;
- Request clarifications relating to the distribution of information and knowledge from the National Coordinator and members;
- Establish the organization’s Standard Operating Procedures;
- Evaluate the results of financial and performance audits of the National Secretariat;
- Discussing, supervising, evaluating, and giving consideration to the operation of the National Secretariat’s fundraising unit and PWYP Indonesia members as long as it is facilitated by the National Secretariat, together with the National Coordinator;
- Appoint and determine the Acting National Coordinator in the event of an interim replacement.
- The Board rules of order regulate further provisions regarding the election procedure for board members.
B. Criteria and Competencies of Candidates
National Coordinator Candidate Criteria and Competencies
- An individual with proven integrity, professionalism, and independence.
- Committed and experienced in advocating for civil society interests, mainly improving good governance, especially in the extractive, energy, and natural resource sectors.
- Having a minimum of a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) and at least five years of experience in civil society organizations, a minimum managerial position, and program management experience.
- Having an adequate understanding and knowledge of extractive, energy, and natural resource governance (especially in the oil and gas and mining sectors), including licensing and contracts, land use and environment, state revenue and taxation, financial transparency and accountability, social and human rights standards, and public policy and regulation in natural resource management.
- Proven public speaking skills, broad insight, and the ability to develop institutional and coalition branding strategies and credibility.
- Proficiency in English (both spoken and written).
- Negotiation skills and the ability to establish relationships with multiple stakeholders.
- Strong analytical skills, capable of providing long-term and systemic solutions.
- Ability to design and develop programs and conduct monitoring, evaluation, and quality control during implementation.
- Good leadership and managerial skills, with the ability to develop institutional/organizational systems and coalitions and manage crises.
- Financial planning, control, and portfolio development skills.
- Ability to identify opportunities and fundraise for the national secretariat and coalition.
- Committed and able to communicate/manage networks and develop constituencies with PWYP Indonesia coalition members and the broader civil society network.
- Not affiliated with political parties and extractive companies.
Board Member Candidate Criteria and Competencies:
- An individual with proven integrity, professionalism, and independence.
- Individuals who are committed to advocating for civil society interests, particularly improving good governance in the extractive, energy, and natural resource sectors.
- At least three years of experience in civil society organizations.
- Minimum of a bachelor’s degree from various study backgrounds.
- Good communication skills, analytical ability, the capability to oversee and evaluate, and the ability to provide direction for achieving the vision and mission of the PWYP Indonesia coalition.
- Competence in management assessment, organizational systems, and coalition development.
- Ability to analyze and assess financial portfolios and identify fundraising opportunities for the national secretariat and coalition.
- Proven reputation at both national and regional levels.
- Mediation skills and the ability to resolve conflicts effectively.
- Committed and capable of communicating with PWYP Indonesia coalition constituents and the broader civil society network.
- Not affiliated with political parties and extractive companies.
C. Candidate Screening Procedures and Mechanisms
Announcement of Registration Opening
- The selection team announces the registration opening for National Coordinator candidates, including criteria, competencies, mechanisms, and procedures, through coalition communication channels and the PWYP Indonesia network.
- Announcements are made through official PWYP Indonesia communication and social media to reach coalition members and the broader community.
- The Board socializes the criteria and competencies of prospective Board members to all PWYP Indonesia coalition constituents.
Candidate Registration
- National Coordinator candidates submit a letter of interest explaining their motivation, experience, and fulfillment of criteria, along with their CV.
- Candidates fill out a registration form, sign an integrity pact, and a statement of willingness to comply with and implement the PWYP Indonesia coalition statute, the coalition’s General Guidelines, Strategic Plan, General Assembly decisions, and other decision-making forums within the PWYP Indonesia coalition.
- National Coordinator candidates write a paper on improving energy and natural resource governance, which can be chosen from aspects such as licensing/contracts, state revenue/taxes, human rights-social-environment, or benefit-sharing-downstream and energy transition and sustainable development. They also outline the implementation of the PWYP Indonesia vision and mission and the coalition’s future development strategy.
- Board member candidate registration is carried out through a registration and nomination mechanism by PWYP Indonesia coalition members, who attach a letter of willingness to run and sign an integrity pact.
- National Coordinator and Board member candidates register and submit their letter of interest and other supporting documents to
Candidate Selection Process
- A selection team consisting of the Board and the current National Coordinator or their deputies, with representatives from coalition members and coalition founders, selects the national coordinator and board candidates.
- The selection process includes administrative selection and interviews to shortlist candidates for election at the PWYP Indonesia coalition General Assembly.
- The selection team shortlists at least two National Coordinators and 14 Board candidates.
- Shortlisted candidates are required to gain support from at least four PWYP Indonesia coalition member organizations. The PWYP Indonesia National Secretariat facilitates the communication process to obtain support.
- Before the public announcement, shortlisted candidates must prepare a brief program outlining the proposed steps and programs for implementing the PWYP Indonesia coalition vision and mission and developing and advancing the coalition.
Announcement of Candidates
- The selection team announces the shortlisted National Coordinator and Board candidates, including brief profiles and programs and the candidates’ vision and mission for developing and advancing the PWYP Indonesia coalition.
- The announcement is made through coalition communication channels, the PWYP Indonesia network, and official PWYP Indonesia communication media and social media to reach coalition members, the network, and the broader community.
Vision-Mission Q&A Campaign
- National Coordinator candidates are free to create campaign programs and materials through communication media that reach the constituents/voters (PWYP Indonesia coalition members) and the broader community. The National Secretariat can facilitate the creation of campaign materials for National Coordinator candidates.
- The selection team facilitates a Q&A session on the candidates’ vision and mission, attended by at least the constituent voters (PWYP Indonesia coalition members) and the broader community at the General Assembly.
Election of National Coordinator and Board Members
- The election process (voting counting and result determination) of the National Coordinator and Board is conducted at the General Assembly, the highest decision-making forum of the coalition, attended by all PWYP Indonesia coalition members.
- After verification, each PWYP Indonesia coalition member organization (after verification) has the right to vote for the National Coordinator and Board, as detailed in the General Assembly of PWYP Indonesia rules.