Gorontalo, (ANTARA GORONTALO) – Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission Zulkarnain called on regional heads to immediately improve forestry, plantation and mining governance.
“There are still many mining business permits or IUPs issued by regents in Indonesia that have not been ‘clean and clear’. We hope that it will be resolved soon because the central government has given a June 2015 deadline, “he said in Gorontalo during a meeting for the SDA Rescue Movement on Wednesday.
According to him, the plantation sector also needs attention so that state revenue is more optimal and the community is prosperous.
“These sectors have the potential to be corrupt, so it must be addressed so that it is not black entrepreneurs who use resources and make profits,” he continued.
He added that the KPK also monitored the progress of governance in each region.
Previously the Civil Society Coalition urged permit issuing officials to revoke mining licenses, which contradicts the legislation in force.
The anti-forest and mining coalition coalition also requested that the law enforcement process for violations such as tax cases and environmental damage continue.
A member of the Ariyanto Coalition from Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia said in three provinces namely Gorontalo, North Sulawesi and West Sulawesi, out of 224 IUP issued there were still 106 non-CnC.
“Non-CnC means that it has not placed reclamation and post-mining guarantees. Of the 244 IUPs, only one has fulfilled the reclamation guarantee obligation, the other does not exist, “he said in Gorontalo, Tuesday.
The results of calculations conducted by the coalition showed that since 2010-2013 the potential loss of revenue from land rent (landrent) reached Rp47.93 billion.
The amount consists of West Sulawesi Rp27.8 billion, Gorontalo Rp12.9 billion and North Sulawesi Rp7.2 billion.