Jakarta – The Regional Legislation Affairs Agency (BULD) of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with its authority and duties during the First and Second Session Periods of the 2022-2023 Session Year has monitored and evaluated the Draft Regional Regulations (Ranperda) and Regional Regulations (Perda) related to licensing in the mining, forestry, and environmental sectors. The serious attention of BULD DPD RI on the mining, forestry, and environmental sectors is focused on regional efforts in implementing policies in the regions after the promulgation of the Job Creation Law and Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Amendments to Law Number 4 of 2009 concerning Minerals and Coal (Minerba) and its derivative laws and regulations.

Based on the results of monitoring and evaluation of BULD DPD RI according to its authority, DPD RI has issued DPD RI Decree Number 28/DPDRI/II/2022-2023 concerning Monitoring and Evaluation of Regional Regulations and Draft Regional Regulations Related to Licensing in the Mining, Forestry, and Environmental Sectors which contains a number of important substances including: Harmonization of Central and Regional Legislation; Policy Evaluation and Impact of Central and Regional Government Policies; Changes, Regulation Making, and Implementation Policy.

The DPD RI decision has been submitted to the President of the Republic of Indonesia through Letter Number: PE.00/337/DPD RI/II/2023 for follow-up. DPD RI really hopes that issues related to licensing in the mining, forestry, and environmental sectors that have implications for regional authorities get serious attention.

In order to obtain views and input on the development of issues related to licensing in the mining, forestry, and environmental sectors, especially regarding policies and implementation within the framework of central-regional harmonization, the BULD DPD RI held a Public Hearing Meeting (RDPU) on Wednesday, November 8, 2023 at the Sriwijaya Meeting Room Building B DPD RI 2nd Floor, MPR/DPR/DPD RI Parliamentary Complex, Senayan, Jakarta. The RDPU presented the Executive Director of the Regional Autonomy Implementation Monitoring Committee (KPPOD), Herman N. Suparman and the National Coordinator of Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia, Aryanto Nugroho.

In his remarks, RDPU leader and Chairman of BULD DPD RI Stefanus BAN Liow said that to avoid disharmonization between the central and local governments. He encouraged the central government to involve local governemey in the developing of regulations at the central level, especially related to derivatives of laws such as Government Regulations and Ministerial Regulations. “Local government involvement is important and strategic, because the local government are the implementers of the regulation, as well as the regions get certainty of regulatory signs in the preparation of Regional Regulations and Regional Head Regulations,” he said.

Aryanto Nugroho specifically conveyed views and inputs on the development of issues related to licensing in the mining, forestry, and environmental sectors, especially regarding policies and implementation within the framework of central-regional harmonization. Aryanto also encouraged efforts to optimize the role of DPD according to its authority, for example by ensuring the political direction of decentralization of natural resources and environmental management; Facilitating coordination between ministries, local governments and other stakeholders related to harmonization of legislation; overseeing the findings and recommendations of DPD RI Decree Number 28/DPDRI/II/2022-2023; and strengthening collaboration spaces, especially with affected communities.

Author: Aryanto Nugroho
