Coordination and Supervision of KPK in mineral and coal sector for the last 2 years reveal weak mineral and coal mining governance. Dozens of licenses are overlapped, a very minimum number of mining companies own reclamation and post mining document and low compliance of financial obligation (tax and non-tax) are among the critical findings of the initiative. Looking at those problems, policy reform in mineral and coal is urgently needed.

Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia seek to contribute in realizing this reform through coordination with The Asia Foundation in SETAPAK program, particularly in three main issues, covering mining licensing, state revenue management, and environmental rehabilitation and post mining. To strengthen the advocacy strategy and map the collaboration space, PWYP Indonesia held a workshop, entitled “Sharpening Program Design on Mining Governance Reform” in Jakarta last 3/2.

The workshop was facilitated by Frans Siahaan, Program Officer in SETAPAK Program, and attended by numerous of member coalitions, partners, and networks. One of the participants, Syahrul Fitra from AURIGA, emphasized the importance of synergy between local CSO and local government in mining governance reform. “Learning from the implementation of Coordination and Supervision of KPK, engagement between local CSO and local government is a key success in policing mining permits. We can see Aceh and West Kalimantan as best practices,” said Syahrul.

Data and information also become critical point of discussion. Mining related data is still scattered and not integrated. Data of mining permits, production, and state revenue is hosted by different ministry/agency.

Ambarsari Dwi Cahyani, former revenue specialist in secretariat of EITI Indonesia, explained that EITI has attempted to bridge by bringing together the relevant ministries/agencies in one table. Unfortunately, the data request process is complicated. To get data, they will sign MoU among ministries/agencies.

“Much homework still remain to be done to improve mineral and coal sector governance. For instance, in mining permits, the problem is not solved by revocation, but how to manage it afterwards. Also it needs to be synchronized with 2014 Local Government Act and one stop services policy (PTSP). Collaboration among CSOs that have similar concern is indeed needed,” said Agung Budiono, Program Manager of SETAPAK-PWYP Indonesia.
