Jakarta (09/07/2015) – The New Standard requires EITI report must be comprehensive, actively promoted, publicly accessible, and create public debate. EITI Indonesia Secretariat in collaboration with the World Bank is developing EITI Indonesia Portal to reach out public in accessing the EITI report. EITI portal is expected to present data, information and analysis on extractive industries that are relevant, timely and presented in open format.


Public participation is very important in the development of EITI Portal considering goal-oriented to serve the public. PWYP Indonesia as part of the community participated actively in the participatory design workshop “Development Portal Indonesia” held on July 9th, 2015 in Jakarta.


PWYP Indonesia gives input about what information should be available in the Portal; How the information is presented and provided. PWYP Indonesia also share experiences related to the efforts that have been made to contextualize EITI reports to be more easily accepted by the public like development of opendataekstraktif.com or through EITI report contextualization in 5 regions in Indonesia.
