We, the UNCAC Coalition and the 240 undersigned organizations and individuals from 88 countries across the globe, are deeply concerned about the unjustified arrest and extended imprisonment of Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu in Azerbaijan. Dr. Ibadoghlu is a prominent anti-corruption expert and human rights defender who has been active in the UNCAC Coalition and other civil society networks for many years and served as a Board Member of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI). We call for his immediate release as well as the release of other political prisoners in Azerbaijan.
Dr. Ibadoghlu has exposed corruption in Azerbaijan’s oil and gas sector and advocated for transparency of the country’s public revenues. He also advocated for seizing Azerbaijani oligarchs’ assets that were stolen from the state and stashed offshore through money laundering schemes. In June 2023, Dr. Ibadoghlu established an education foundation in the United Kingdom with the goal of returning the confiscated assets to the people of Azerbaijan through scholarships for students.
Dr. Ibadoghlu has been imprisoned in Azerbaijan since 23 July 2023, when he was brutally beaten, arrested, and detained by police authorities on unsubstantiated charges of money counterfeiting and connection to terrorism. Despite the lack of evidence, his pre-trial detention has been extended twice, once on 16 November 2023, and most recently on 15 February 2024. After spending 9 months in a prison facility, on 22 April he was placed under house arrest in Baku and is still waiting for a trial. To date, Dr. Ibadoghlu’s contacts with his lawyers and his family have been restricted. His health, already fragile due to diabetes and high blood pressure, has deteriorated significantly in prison because he has been denied proper medical care. He is now at a high risk of having a heart attack and diabetic coma.
Therefore, the UNCAC Coalition and the undersigned organizations and individuals urgently call for the unconditional and immediate release of Dr. Ibadoghlu and for him to be given access to the medical care he desperately needs. We also urge the authorities of Azerbaijan – which will also host the UN Climate Change Conference in Baku later this year – to respect their international commitments regarding due process in the administration of justice and human rights, consistent with Articles 9 and 10 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 9.3 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and Article 13 of the UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC).
Furthermore, the UNCAC Coalition expresses serious concern for all other human rights defenders, anti-corruption advocates, whistleblowers, journalists and other members of civil society who have been arbitrarily detained or are threatened by government authorities in Azerbaijan and in other countries across the globe. We call upon governments to respect international human rights standards, including the rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly and association, in order for civil society to operate without fear of intimidation, harassment, reprisals and persecution. Furthermore, we call upon governments and the international community to step up efforts to protect and defend Dr. Ibadoghlu and all other civil society members in Azerbaijan coming under attack for their anti-corruption work.
Non-Governmental Organizations:
- Albanian Center for Economic Research (ACER), Albania
- Action Jeunesse pour le Développement (AJED-Congo), Republic of Congo
- Access Info, Spain
- Africa Centre for Open Governance (AfriCOG), Kenya
- Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC), Uganda
- Africa Network for Environment and Economic Justice (ANEEJ), Nigeria
- African Centre for Media & Information Literacy, Nigeria
- ALTAX, Albania
- Aman Coalition, Palestine
- Amnesty International, United Kingdom
- Anti-Corruption Trust of Southern Africa, Zimbabwe
- ARTICLE 19, United Kingdom
- Asociación civil JAPIQAY, Memoria y Ciudadanía, Peru
- Association Burkinabè pour le Développement des Energies Renouvelables (ABDER-BIO-DEV/ Burkina), Burkina Faso
- Association femme et Action pour le Développement , Guinea
- Association Guinéenne pour la Transparence, Guinea
- AWTAD Anti-corruption Organization, Yemen
- Bahrain Transparency, Bahrain
- Bantay Kita – Publish What You Pay Phils., Philippines
- Cameroon Anti Corruption Youths Movement, Cameroon
- Cameroonian Human Rights League, Cameroon
- Care for the Physically Challenged and Destitute Foundation (CAPCADF), Nigeria
- Center for Civil Liberties, Ukraine
- Center for Peace and Advocacy (CPA), South Sudan
- Centre de Recherche sur l’Anti-Corruption (CERC), Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Centre for Development and Democratization of Institutions, Albania
- Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI), Pakistan
- CiFAR – Civil Forum for Asset Recovery e.V., Germany
- CISE Malawi, Malawi
- Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC)/ TI-Nigeria, Nigeria
- Club Ohada Thies, Senegal
- Coalition Nationale Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez Guinée, Guinea
- Community Information and Advocacy Initiative, Nigeria
- Community Outreach for Development and Welfare Advocacy (CODWA), Nigeria
- Corner House, United Kingdom
- Crude Accountability, USA
- Crudo Transparente, Colombia
- Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (DAR), Peru
- Dialogue and Research Institute (DRI), South Sudan
- DiXi Group, Ukraine
- Family Therapy Association of the Gambia, Gambia
- Fundación Jubileo, Bolivia
- Foundation For Environmental Rights, Advocacy & Development (FENRAD NIGERIA) Nigeria
- Freedom Files, Poland
- Freedom for Eurasia, Austria
- Friends of the Earth Australia, Australia
- Fundación Libertad Ciudadana – Transparency International Panama, Panama
- Fundación Multitudes, Chile
- Fundación Nacional para el Desarrollo – TI El Salvador, El Salvador
- Global Actions for Humanity (GOAH), South Sudan
- Global Witness, United Kingdom
- Government Accountability Project, USA
- Grupo de Trabajo contra la Corrupción (GTCC), Peru
- Hawkmoth, The Netherlands
- HEDA Resource Centre, Nigeria
- Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, North Macedonia
- Human Rights Center, Georgia
- Human Rights Center “Viasna”, Belarus
- Human Rights Center of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan
- Human Rights Defence Center Memorial, Russia
- Human Rights Foundation (HRF), USA
- Impunidad Cero, Mexico
- Initiatives for Community Development- Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone
- Institute for Development of Freedom of Information (IDFI), Georgia
- International Platform against Impunity, Switzerland
- International Society for Peace and Safety, Nigeria
- I-Watch Organization, Tunisia
- Jamaa Resource Initiatives, Kenya
- Jaringan Pemantau Independen Kehutanan (JPIK), Indonesia
- Kazakhstan International Bureau for Human Rights and Rule of Law, Kazakhstan
- Legal Policy Research Centre, Kazakhstan
- Lumière Synergie pour le Développement , Senegal
- Mexiro A.C, Mexico
- Migrant Workers Association of Lesotho, Lesotho
- Millennium Development Centre Gusau, Nigeria
- Mineral Inheritors Rights Association, India
- Mozambican Association for Active Citizenship – AMOCA, Mozambique
- National Campaign for Sustainable Development Nepal, Nepal
- National Whistleblower Center, USA
- Natural Resource Governance Institute, USA
- Nature Advocacy and Development Initiatives (NADI), Nigeria
- Netherlands Helsinki Committee, The Netherlands
- Niger Delta Study Group on Extractive Sector, Nigeria
- No Business With Genocide, USA
- Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC), Norway
- Nouveaux Droits de l’Homme Congo Brazzaville, Republic of Congo
- Nyika Institute, Malawi
- ONG WARIS comité des droits humains , Gabon
- Open Contracting Partnership, USA
- Open Data Charter, Argentina
- Organisation Tchadienne Anti-corruption (OTAC), Chad
- Oživení, z.s., Czech Republic
- Participación Ciudadana, Dominican Republic
Partners Albania for Change and Development, Albania - Pay No Bribe Animators (PaNBA) Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone
- PCQVP, Mali
- Plateforme de la société civile Démocratie, Paix, Élections et Développement Durable en Guinée (Plateforme DPEG), Guinea
- Policy Alert, Nigeria
- Progress Integrated Community Development Organization (PICDO), Ethiopia
- Protection of Rights without Borders NGO, Armenia
- Public Association “Dignity”, Kazakhstan
- Public Association Echo, Kazakhstan
- Public-Private Integrity, Gambia
- Publiez ce que Vous Payez Congo, Congo, Republic
- Publish What You Pay United Kingdom, United Kingdom
- Publish What You Pay United States, USA
- Publish What You Pay Indonesia, Indonesia
- Publish What You Pay Nigeria, Nigeria
- Publish What You Pay International, United Kingdom
- Publish What You Pay Madagascar, Madagascar
- Rencontre pour la Paix et les Droits de l’Homme (RPDH), Congo, Republic
- Repatriation Group International, USA
- Réseau Nigérien Anti-Corruption, Niger
- Romanian Academic Society, Romania
- ROTAB, Niger
- Rural And Urban Aid for Youth Development Initiatives, Nigeria
- Rural Initiative for Change, Nigeria
- Rwenzori Anti Corruption Coalition, Uganda
- Samata, India
- Semillas para la Democracia, Paraguay
- Sensitisation Against Hazard and Crime Initiative, Nigeria
- Society for the Widows and Orphans, Nigeria
- Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project (SERAP), Nigeria
- Somali Journalists Syndicate (SJS), Somalia
- Southern Africa Resource Watch – Coalition Against SLAPPs in Africa (CASA), South Africa
- Spotlight on Corruption, United Kingdom
- Stakeholders Alliance for Corporate Accountability, Nigeria
- Swedish International Liberal Centre (SILC), Sweden
- Syri i Vizionit, Kosovo
- Terra-1530, Moldova
- The Daphne Caruana Galizia Foundation, Malta
- The Financial Accountability and Corporate Transparency Coalition, USA
- The Lebanese Oil and Gas Initiative-LOGI, Lebanon
- Transparencia por Colombia, Colombia
- Transparency and Economic Development Initiative TEDI , Nigeria
- Transparency International, Germany
- Transparency International – Initiative Madagascar, Madagascar
- Transparency International – Macedonia, North Macedonia
- Transparency International Australia, Australia
- Transparency International Bangladesh, Bangladesh
- Transparency International Cambodia, Cambodia
- Transparency International EU, Belgium
- Transparency International France, France
- Transparency International Germany, Germany
- Transparency International Ireland, Ireland
- Transparency International New Zealand, New Zealand
- Transparency International Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone
- Transparency International Taiwan, Taiwan
- Transparency International U.S., USA
- Transparency International Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
- Transparency Maroc, Morocco
- Turkmenistan Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, Bulgaria
- UK Anti-Corruption Coalition, United Kingdom
- UNCAC Coalition, Austria
- UNISHKA Research, USA
- United Action for Democracy, Nigeria
- Uzbek Forum for Human Rights, Germany
- Veille Citoyenne Togo, Togo
- Whistleblowers of America, USA
- World Dynamics of Young People, Cameroon
- Yemeni Observatory for Human Rights, Yemen
- Abdelaziz Nouaydi, Morocco, General Secretary of Transparency Morocco, Lawyer in Rabat Bar
- Alexandra Gillies, USA, Director, Global Anti-Corruption Consortium
- Ali Sadki, Morocco, Project manager at Transparency Maroc
- Andrew Feinstein, United Kingdom, Author
- Angela Asuncion, Philippines, Lead Technical Consultant – Bantay Kita
- Anne-Claire Defossez, USA, Researcher, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
- Arien Mack, USA, Professor
- Athayde Motta, Brazil, Consultant
- Ba Aliou Coulibaly, Mauritania, President of PWYP Coalition
- Blanche Sonon, Benin, Personne resource
- Carlo Merla, Botswana, Chair of the Board of Publish What You Pay
- Carlos Monge, Peru, PWYP Board Member
- Cde Munyaradzi Bidi, Zimbabwe, Anti-corruption/Human Rights activist
- Cecilia Ogwuche, Nigeria , Human Rights Advocate
- Chantal Cutajar, France, Professor
- Charles Becker, USA, Research Professor of Economics, Duke University
- Charles Scheiner, USA, Transparency Campaigner
- Cornelia Abel, Germany, Senior Program Manager, Transparency International
- Dani Kaufmann, France, Professor
- Demba SEYDI, Senegal, PWYP Senior Regional Coordinator Francophone Africa
- Diarmid O’Sullivan, United Kingdom, Editor, Critical Takes on Corporate Power
- Didier Fassin, France, Professor at the Collège de France
- Dill Koang Ruey Shagh, South Sudan, Executive Director for Global Actions for Humanity
(GOAH) - Eze Alloysius, Nigeria, Director, PLAYYA Nigeria
- Favour Ime, Nigeria, Regional Manager, Africa
- Gabriel Sipos, United Kingdom, Anti-corruption analyst
- Gabriela Flores, Peru, Investigative journalist, Co-founder of Japiqay
- H. Rice, United Kingdom, Independent Researcher
- Irene Tello Arista, Mexico
- Jack A. Blum, Esq., USA, Lawyer
- Jan Kubik, USA, Distinguished Professor and Chair, Rutgers University, Professor Emeritus,
- (University College London)
- Jana Morgan, USA, Publish What You Pay – Board Member
- Jennifer Hunt, USA, Distinguished Professor of Economics, Rutgers University
- Jeshadul Hoque Tanim, Bangladesh, Whistleblower, Online Digital Marketing Expert
- Jessica Ludwig, USA, Director, Global Policy, George W. Bush Institute
- Jodi Vittori, USA, Professor and anti-corruption expert
- Dr. Juanita Olaya García, Germany, Chair of the UNCAC Coalition Working Group on Victims of Corruption
- Katharina Lang, Germany
- Kevin I.J. Yeh, Taiwan, Vice Chair, Transparency International, Taiwan
- Lisa Hartevelt, The Netherlands, Director of External Relations and Communication at the Wildlife Justice Commission & Chair of the UNCAC Coalition Working Group on Environmental Crime and Corruption
- Marcel Thum, Germany, Professor of Economics, TU Dresden
- María Alejandra Márquez, USA, Founder, Iniciativa Para La Recuperación de Activos Venezolanos (INRAV)
- Matthew Murray, USA, Adjunct Professor, Columbia University
- Mel Flanagan, Australia, Chair PWYP Australia Steering Committee
- Michael Jarvis, USA, Executive Director, Trust, Accountability & Inclusion Collaborative
- Michael Johnston, USA, Charles A. Dana Professor of Political Science Emeritus, Colgate University
- Michael Karanicolas, USA, Executive Director – UCLA Institute for Technology, Law & Policy
- Michael Kwame Boadi, Ghana, Fundraising Manager
- Mohamed SANGARE, Senegal, Regional Advisor
- Mona Lena Krook, USA, Distinguished Professor of Political Science, Rutgers University
- Moussa Iboun Conté, Guinea, Vice Président de la coalition nationale “Publiez Ce Que Vous Payez – Guinée”
- Dr. Mustapha Olajiday Thomas, Sierra Leone, Geoscientist/Social Activist
- Prof. Naomi Roht-Arriaza, USA, Professor of Law
- Dr.Noora Hasan, Iraq, MENA Region representative at Global Council
- Obert Chinhamo, Zimbabwe, Director, Anti-Corruption Trust of Southern Africa
- Osman Ahmed, England, Somali Diaspora Anti-corruption Committee founder
- Patrick Conway, USA, Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Rainer Geiger, France, Transparency International
- Robert Pitman, USA, Senior Governance Officer, NRGI
- Saladin Ambar, USA, Rutgers University
- Sarah Backstrand, USA, Fundraising Associate, Natural Resource Governance Institute
- Shaazka Beyerle, USA, Author
- Sihem Bouazza, Tunisia, Radio Director
- Silas Olan’g, Tanzania, Human Rights Activist
- Simon Taylor, Spain, Co-Founder & Board member, Global Witness, and Co-Founder Publish What You Pay
- Soumyabrata Chakraborty, India, Human Trafficking Prevention Practitioner
- Susana Coroado, Belgium, Researcher
- Suzana Frasheri, Albania, Senior Anti-corruption Expert
- Suzanne Hoff, The Netherlands, International Coordinator, La Strada International
- Tamika Halwiindi, Zambia, Programme Coordinator – TI Zambia & CSO Board member (alternate) EITI
- Tara James, USA, Program Coordinator, Rutgers University
- Thomas de Waal, United Kingdom, Writer and scholar
- Thomas Prusa, USA, Professor of Economics
- Tom Devine, USA, Legal director, Government Accountability Project
- William Field, USA, Rutgers University
- Zoé Spriet-Mezoued, United Kingdom, Strategic Communications and Campaigns Manager, Publish What You Pay International