jensi sartin 2

Celebrating Open Data Day on 21 February, PWYP-Indonesia in cooperation with Atamerica (@america) organized talk show, entitled “Riding Open Data Movement for Better Indonesia” on 17th February 2015. This talk show presented four speakers with varied background, including Jensi Sartin (Publish What You Pay Indonesia), Dyah Setiawaty (Perludem), Arkka Diratara (, and Yuandra Ismiraldi (School of data fellows).
As the first speaker, Arkka Diratara  explained recent update on Indonesia’s data portal (, which is initiated by Indonesia government to provide data from several agencies in open format. Meanwhile, Jensi Sartin from PWYP Indonesia, presented progress, challenge, and opportunity in utilizing open data to improve advocacy agenda, public participation, and good governance in extractive sector. Jensi emphasized the importance of data contextualization for benefit of the people.
Focusing on election issue, Dyah shared Perludem’s experience in the implementation of API Election program. Dyah highlighted the significancy of open data to promote public participation in election. Lastly, Yuandra from Schools of data fellows, presented the role and challenge of IT developer in open data movement. “We can show what possible to do. Collaboration among government, civil society, and IT developer is needed to extract the maximum benefit of open data.”, said Yuandra.