PONTIANAK | The number of mining units in Ketapang Regency is the largest in the province, reaching 156 units with an area of 1,331,231.50 hectares, according to the results of Swandiri Institute’s research. Swandiri Institute Coordinator, Hermawansyah said, Ketapang became the biggest bauxite supplier to China.

Throughout West Kalimantan, there are 721 mining units with an area of more than 5.07 million hectares spread across 12 districts (out of a total of 14 districts/cities in West Kalimantan).

“On the one hand, this is potential. On the other hand, it must be observed whether this potential violates various rules, for example, the allocation of land that overlaps one concession with another, “Hermawansyah said, Thursday (10/10/13) in Pontianak

He emphasized that the transparency aspect in the mining sector, both in terms of financial and spatial transparency, was not yet popular in West Kalimantan. This is compounded by the still not maximizing the function of the mine inspectorate, who should conduct surveillance.

“The increasing number of extractive industries in West Kalimantan, has become a necessity for adequate supervision,” said Hermawansyah.

National Coordinator of Publish What You Pay Indonesia, Maryati Abdullah, explained, in accordance with Government Regulation No. 9 of 2012 concerning Non-Tax State Revenues, mining companies are required to deposit land rent for both exportation and exploitation activities.

In accordance with the Government Regulation, the land rent obligation from exploration, the provisions are calculated from the concession area multiplied by USD 2 per hectare per year. Meanwhile, land rent from exploitation is calculated from the concession area multiplied by USD 4 per hectare per year.

Related to financial analysis, the potential for land rent revenue sharing for the mining sector in Ketapang is more than Rp. 25.03 billion with a realization of more than Rp. 3.6 billion. From this figure, we can see a difference of more than Rp 21.3 billion. This difference is thought to be a leak of profit-sharing funds, caused by several factors.

Among the causes of the difference is due to the reduced concession land area and not being updated, as well as local governments that do not report evidence of deposits from companies to the central government which causes differences in data.

It could also, said Maryati, that the difference arose the most severe allegation, namely companies that did not deposit the obligation to pay the fixed contribution to the state. (ED)

Source: beritakalimantan.co
