JAKARTA – The administration of Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla (JK) is asked to immediately review the governance process of the mineral and coal sector. Because at present, the two sectors have provided substantial losses, due to the large number of mining mafias.

The Civil Society Coalition which is incorporated in Publish What You Pay (PWYP) of Indonesia, Maryati revealed that from 12 provinces in Indonesia, found a number of Mining Business Permits (IUP) that experienced licensing issues. No half-hearted, the number reached 70 percent of the total 10,918 mineral and coal permits throughout Indonesia (Data from the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal, 2014).

“The majority of IUP holders in 12 provinces have not fulfilled the Reclamation and Post-Mining guarantee obligations. It requires the Government’s firmness so that IUP holders fulfill their obligations, ” she said at the Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) Office, Jakarta, Sunday

Therefore, the government is asked to act decisively against IUP owners who do not register their companies as taxpayers and companies that do not pay taxes. Based on the data, only about 50 percent of the total IUP issued is known to have a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP).

“The government is obliged to take action against companies that hold IUP holders who still have not paid their debts from the land rent and royalty sectors. Based on the recapitulation of the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal data processed by the Anti-Mafia Mining Coalition in 12 Provinces, the potential for state revenue from underpayment of 4,631 IUP was Rp3,768 trillion, ” she said.

As information, the difference between the realization of regional revenue and its potential called potential lost in 12 provinces from 2009 to 2013, is estimated to reach Rp547.94 billion in the Kalimantan region. Whereas in Sumatra the region reached Rp174.7 billion and in the Sulawesi region it reached Rp169.487 billion. Thus, the total potential loss of revenue in 12 provinces reached Rp919.18 billion. (mrt)

Prabawati Sriningrum, ekonomi.okezone.com, Sunday, 7 December 2014 – 14:48 a.m.